Chapter 20: Her death, his insanity

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Sebastian P.O.V.

I watched as the only source of whatever humanity I had left, slip into a void of nothingness. Her pale plump pink lips, were no longer filled with life, but were a ghastly ice blue- indication that her breathing was becoming nothing more than a memory.

It had only been a few months that I had known Idris, yet her feisty attitude and looks of defiance that she gave me at times that were definitely deemed inappropriate for a woman- was probably the reason I yearned for her.

The night she gave her whole self to me, she not only gave me pleasure but something so mundane seven months ago I would have scoffed at. She gave me love, not just any love, but her love.

And now, all I could do was watch her slip through my hands. There was nothing I could do.

'I failed her...'

Something dark and primal snapped within me at that thought. Every urge I had ever beat down, was boiling over and I knew it was only minutes before I blacked out.

I shifted my gaze from Idr- no from her over to the young boy I had been serving for just about four years. His once mouth watering soul, a soul I had so desperately fought for; no longer held any desire for me.

I looked at the young master carefully before coming to a decision, one last favor I will ever do for the woman I had fallen in love with- I would give her brother another chance at life.

I glided over to his side and loomed over his small frame. I cleared my throat gaining his full attention.

"Ciel Grey, I am no longer in need of your soul and therefore forfeit our recent contract. Do as you wish with your life." With that I knelt down onto one knee, bowing my head one last time as a sign of my respect.

I pivoted my weight so I was leaning over Idris's lifeless form. I wrapped my arms around her delicate, cold body and picked her up bridal style. Ciel looked at me in horror before shouting my name.

"What on earth do you think you are doing with her?" He screamed, tears threatening to break his cold exterior.

"I'm going to bury her, it seems only fitting since I killed her." I replied my voice cold and emotionless.

"Then I will accompany you." He stated straightening his posture.

I didn't reply. I instead walked forward and into the dark, murky wood. I thought of that meadow I once found her in, quickly deciding that was where I would lay her to rest.

"Come here." I ordered Ciel.

He hesitantly complied, taking cautious steps in my direction.

When he finally reached me I placed my hand onto his small shoulder. I felt my eyes shift into their true form and our surroundings shift and blur until we were in the middle of the meadow.

"It took ye long enough." A cacophony voice called through the wind.

Ciel jumped a little, and I glanced over to my right. There in his usual black overcoat and trousers, was the Undertaker. My eyes widened, but not because he was here- but instead because behind him was a white glass and pearl coffin.

For some reason my anger only worsened at this sight and I nearly caved into my carnivorous desires. I took a deep breath, clearing my head of any harmful thoughts.

When I was calm enough I narrowed my eyes at the legendary reaper, who just happened to pop up at just the wrong moments.

"What is the meaning of this?" I hissed.

Dark smile and crimson eyes-A Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now