Chapter 7: The party and the kidnapping, the almost rape

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 "STOP!!!" A voice rang through the manor.

I soon realized that that was my voice. I slowly sat up from my bed. 'Seriously? Another one?'

I got out of my comfy plush sheets and made my way down too the kitchen, forgetting being in a night gown was like porn for these people. I creaked open the kitchen door and peered in. 'All clear.'

I opened the door more and eased my slender body through the just big enough crack and shut the door. If I was caught I was so dead! No one was suppose to know of Ciel's plethora candy stash, I just happened too stumble upon it last week.

I climbed up on the counter top and opened the farthest left cabinet. 'JACKPOT!'

"And just what do you think you are doing Idris?" Sebastian whispered in my ear.

I froze. 'I didn't even hear him come in!'

 "I'm searching for gold...?" I said smiling sheepishly.

I reached for the bar of chocolate as fast as I could and attempted a ninja jump off the counter, but was caught by strong arms. I looked up at Sebastian and sighed. I was caught. Literally, caught.

I sighed once again and popped a square of chocolate into my mouth. I smirked as I saw a look of shock cross Sebastian's perfect face, but as soon as it appeared did it disappear.

"Now how did you find the young master's chocolate?" Sebastian asked.

 "Luck my friend. It's very generous to me." I laughed.

He smirked. 'Oh no! Whenever this bastard smirk's shits getting real!'

 "Really, now? Because I believe, me finding you in the kitchen wearing only your night dress, when everyone is still asleep, not lucky for you at all." He said. "Plus, you jumped straight into my arms."

I frowned as I let what he was saying sink in.

  "No." I said trying to get out of his hold.

  "No?" He asked chuckling.

 His hold around my body tightened. He was tormenting me!

"Let me go. I wish to go back to sleep. I am going to Timothy's ball later. I need my rest." I said but my voice cracked a little.

His face grew darker as I said Timothy's name and it made a shiver go down my spine.

"What if I say no?" He asked leaning his head closer to mine.

"Then I will scream for Ciel. I will ask him to order you to stay away from me. Not to speak or even look at me." I replied.

I smirked on the inside as I watched a flash of anger go through his eyes. 'That's right I went ther-'

My thoughts were halted as I collided with the floor. 'THAT DOUCHE CANOE DROPPED ME!!'

"My apologies

s. You must have slipped right out of my grasp." He said hissing out my name.

 "You're an asshat!" I said standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

 I walked, well more like stomped, my way back to my room. 'I hate the muther fucker!'

I slipped into my bed, threw the covers over my head and fell asleep dreaming of ways I could get Sebastian back.


 "Lady Idris, It is time to get up." Sebastian said as he opened my curtains.

 I turned around facing the opposite way of the windows.

"Fuck off Sebastian! Leave me alone." I mumble yelled through my pillows.

Dark smile and crimson eyes-A Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now