Chapter 10: The move

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Being away from the Phantomhive mansion for almost three weeks now was hard, a lot harder than it would seem. I missed everyone so much, but I would not go back. I was still upset with Ciel.

Ciel should not have done this. He was taking this whole "Long lost siblings" act way too seriously. Even Aunty Ann has started to call me her niece at public functions. It’s at times like these that I really wish Ashles was here. That this whole ordeal never happened and I was in a coma, at a hospital getting treatment.

I missed my mom, my dad, and my elder sister. I missed Ashley, and all of my other friends. I even missed Ice cream. Yes I know, Ice cream. Like seriously Idris out of everything it's ice cream!?!

"Lady Idris." Madam Red’s butler Grell said. "Madam Red would like to see you in the foyer. It is important."

"Of course, thank you Grell." I replied setting my book down.

Grell was a clumsy man. He had dark brown hair, and light green pools for eyes, that were accompanied by big round glasses. He was a bit taller than me, but not as tall as Sebastian. And not nearly as attractive.

He led me down many halls until we reached the familiar foyer of the house.

"Auntie, you wanted to see me?" I asked stepping inside the room.

Madam rose was sitting on one of the couches and you could tell by the look she gave me when I sat down she was going to get serious.

"Yes. You are going with me to Ciel's town house. He has a new case so I hear and I want to be there when he arrives. Also I want you two to make up." She said.

"Yes Aunty Ann." I agreed.

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be." Madam rose said.

"I could tell you did not wish to be argued with, plus I kind of miss the little brat." I said cracking a smile.

I got up off of the couch I was sitting on and walked towards the foyer doors.

"Idris," Madam Red called. "We are invited to a ball tonight, and not just any ball. It is your fiancées."

"Okay." I said walking out of the room.

I walked upstairs to my room closing the door. I let a few tears fall and walked over to my wardrobe. I packed all of the dresses Aunty Ann and I had bought while shopping, and my old dresses into four large suit cases.

A few hours later Grell came up to my room and told me we were leaving. I took two of my bags, which I had to fight Grell over, and brought them to the carriage. Grell took my other two.

In the next three minutes the carriage was off to the town house.


It had been not even ten minutes after we had arrived when I heard another carriage pulling up towards the drive. 'Well I'm going to go hide for a bit.'

I slipped out of the foyer quietly making sure not to let Auntie or Lau see me leave. I lightly jogged down the hall searching for a place to hide. I came across the servants’ quarters and decided that was a good place. I opened the first old, creaky door and slid inside collapsing on the bed.

I then realized I forgot to take my copy of "The Raven" I was reading when I fled the foyer. 'Great now I have nothing to keep me occupied!'

"May I ask why you are in my room?" A velvety voice asked.

I turned my head and saw Sebastian standing in the doorway. His burnt crimson eyes turning a bright fuchsia.

"I was um....looking for...Ah! No sense in lying I was trying to hide from you and Ciel. I thought you didn't use these quarters so I decided to hide down here for a while." I said softly.

Sebastian pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning against and made his way over to me.

"I don't use these quarters. I only came down here because I felt your presence." He said pinning me on the bed. "Do you have any idea how frustrating you are?"

I just stared at him waiting for him to let me go. He didn't.

"You do know I want you correct?" He whispered into my ear.

I gasped. He took this chance to connect our lips. Electricity courses through my body, sending delightful chills down my spine. I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. He pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He slowly kissed his way from my lips, to my jaw, and down to the curve of my neck.

The contact made me gasp in surprise. A low growl erupted from Sebastian's throat as I did. He nipped at my neck and made his way back up to my lips. He pushed me down onto the bed and soon was on top of me.

"Of all the times he calls me now?" Sebastian growled.

He kissed me once more before he stood up straightening out his tailcoat.

"The young master is calling for me. When you decide to, come down and talk to him." And with that he disappeared.

I sighed. If Ciel hadn't called.... I don't know how far things would have gotten. I got off the bed and slowly made my way to Ciel's study. I stopped outside of the door taking in a deep breath, before walking inside.

"Check on the scene myself-" I heard Ciel say before he saw me. "Idris, it is nice to see you. Everyone please excuse us. I wish to speak with my sister in private."

Everyone got up from their seats, and made their way out of the room. Aunty Ann gave me the 'Good luck' face before she left me alone with Ciel and Sebastian.

"You look like you are doing well." Ciel said as I sat down in a chair. "I want to apologize for forcing you into an engagement. I realize this probably isn't what you want to do but just bare with me. I do have a reason for my actions."

"I know Ciel. I apologize for leaving as well. In my time, we do not have arranged marriages and we marry the ones we love. But I am not in my time, I am stuck here. I have been for almost seven months now. It is time for me to face facts and play my part here." I stated. "I am coming back to the manor with you when your case is finished. Please excuse me."

I stood up from my seat and walked over to the door.

"Idris we are going into town. Please accompany us." Ciel said also getting up from his seat.

"Okay." I said leaving the room.

'Well things could have gone much worse...'

And that's a wrap! Comment and vote and as always.... Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy this story(^_^)

Dark smile and crimson eyes-A Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now