Chapter 14: The return

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I awoke in the morning for the first time without a nightmare. The sun's rays slipping through the cracks of the off burgundy curtains. 'Why must the light be so bright?' I groaned and flipped over so I was facing the wall instead of the light filled windows. A slight chuckle was heard when I did this causing me to open my eyes and sit up.

Sebastian was still in my bed, not to mention I was basically tangled around him, staring at me with amused orbs. I freaked out and practically jumped out of my bed, landing on my bum on the cold hardwood floor.

"What are you still doing in here!? Do you not have to awaken Ciel and the others?!" I asked frantically.

Another chuckle erupted from his throat as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed. He stared at me for a moment. His crimson orbs searching deep within my grey ones. He stood up from the bed and gradually stalked towards me.

"The young master requested the day off too rest and the servants are already up and heading to town for more supplies." He said bending down to my level.

He offered me a gloved hand and helped me to my feet. Unfortunately I wasn't prepared for the amount of strength he had and tumbled straight into him.

"Forgive me Sebastian I wasn-" I tried saying before looking him in the eyes.

They had turned to a beautiful fuchsia color, the pupils now slits almost like a cat. I stared completely entranced by their captivating beauty. The next thing I knew, Sebastian was placing his lips upon mine. It was a gentle kiss, not demanding and filled with fire; but soft, and passionate.

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer, his gloved hands embracing my waist as I did. Electric volts shot through my entire body at our contact, causing a shiver too run down my spinal cord into every vertebra. 'Stop Idris, this is wrong, it’s gone on long enough!'

I knew my inner conscious was right but at that very moment I didn't want to stop. I never felt sparks like I did with Sebastian with anyone else. It was pure bliss with him.

"We need to stop this Sebastian." I said breaking from the kiss, my breathing a little off. "I'm not a toy, and I will not be used for sick games."

"I am not playing games Idris. There is something about you, something that pulls me towards you. It’s intoxicating, mouthwatering even." He said getting closer to my ear.

I gasped at Sebastian's words; taking two steps back to try and get some space between us, only to have him step forward as well. My back hit the wall as he took his final step, caging me like a bird. My breathing became uneven and my pulse was at an ultimate high. I mentally slapped myself for acting so stupid in front of him. Giving him the satisfaction.

"Sebas-" My words were cut off as his lips met mine.

I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck and fist his sleek, raven hair. He moved his lips from my lips to my jaw, then the beginning of my neck all the way down to the nape. The contact almost made me moan from the pleasurable feeling it shot through my entire body.

When his lips traveled their way back up to mine, I couldn't help but nibble at his bottom lip, causing an animalistic growl to escape from his throat. 'Idris you're giving into his devilish charms stop!!'

I didn't care anymore. All I could think about was his enticing soft, pink lips.

"Idris I would li-" Ciel's voice penetrated my room.

Sebastian and I quickly parted. My face looking extremely guilty, almost as a small child would if they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 'I told you to stop... but you never listen!' I inwardly rolled my eyes at my conscience knowing it was correct.

Dark smile and crimson eyes-A Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now