39. A Downpour of Depression

Start from the beginning

Alec just quietly laughed in response.

I spoke again. "Also, where have you been? You're like never home."

He threw me an offended look, which subtly made me confused. "I already told you, I got a job."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "When- oh! I wasn't listening, sorry." He playfully threw me a dirty look as the front door quickly opened.

My mom's voice appeared, making Alec and I jump up. "You can just put it over there! Thank you boys!"

Just before I thought nothing else could shock me, I was wrong.

Very wrong.

Alec's bright blue eyes widened as he watched mom jump excitedly. "I-is that a coffin?" he queried as we watched Azazel and Belial work together to drag a coffin inside the house.

Okay what the actual hell?

I quickly spoke out loud. "Mom what are you doing?"

She met her hands together in happiness. "It's gonna be Halloween soon, so I thought it would be nice to decorate the house!" She gestured Azazel and Belial to go ahead and place the coffin near the dining area. "Since Halloween decorations are kinda expensive, The Callous family were nice enough to give us some of their extra ones."

"Um, no!" I loudly let out, making everyone's head turn towards me. "Mom, we're not having a large realistic coffin placed near where we eat!"

She slightly widened her mouth. "None of you guys even eat in the dining room anymore! You guys always eat in your room."


Alec finally decided to speak. "T-that kinda looks like a real coffin mom. It kinda creeps me out."

"It's not, look!" She quickly opened it, exposing the inside, which was all foam. "And also I wanna decorate the front yard so kids can come and trick or treat here."

Alec and I loudly moaned in annoyance. "I literally hate kids so much! They don't deserve free candy, why can't we just turn of all the lights in the house like usual?" I ended my short rant, glancing at Alec who was nodding his head at me.

My mom visibly had enough. "We're doing something different this year okay? And you guys don't anything but sit around! So now it's your obligation to just pass candy this year!" We all remained quiet as she turned back towards Azazel and Belial, who both were surprisingly quiet. "Thank you so much boys, I appreciate it!"

"No problem." Azazel let out, proceeding to leave without looking at anyone.

There's no way Azazel took my rude behavior yesterday to heart.

Belial bit his lip at my mom which immediately made Alec and I wince in disgust. "It's my pleasure Ms. Tesfaye." He lustfully looked up and down at my mom as he proceeded to walk away, biting the air towards me before leaving the front door.

A long and awkward pause broke out as my mom proceeded to the kitchen without a single care, probably not aware of what Belial meant by what he just did.

Alec slowly turned towards me. "I'm shook."

I looked back at him. "I'm grossed out." If it was possible to make Max more of a fuck boy than he already was, then the outcome would be Belial.

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