"We found a way you could see Theo."


"Follow us." Leo said and I frowned and looked at my feet.
"Ok." I stood up my feet didn't touch the ground. I used my power and hovered a few feet off the ground. I take a step forward walking on air and followed behind them. They look at me.

"How did you get as tall as us?" Leo asked.

"I'm still short as ever." I said and placed my bare feet onto the soft carpet.

I follow them down the hall to some place. They looked behind us to see if anyone was following but no one was. I smiled and see Theodore standing waiting for me. He turned to me with a wide smile and I return it.

"Hurry before father realize you two and us are missing from the party." Michelangelo said.

"Ok Micky." I said and walked over to Theodore. I smiled and pulled him in hug. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. His face was buried in my neck.

"I've missed you." He said as my brothers stood guard.

"I've missed you too." I mumbled back. He pulled away and looked at me then my stomach. He got on his knees and kissed my belly. I giggled and looked behind me. I see my brothers look at me with smiles.

"How is the baby?"

"Unsettling. Always kicking,never lets me sleep." I said and he frowned. "Its a boy."

"A boy."

"Yes a boy." I said and he smiled.

"Our son." He said and stood up. "Your father is unbearable. He doesn't want us to be together. He doesn't want you getting hurt cause of me. I don't understand." He mumbled.

"I disgust my father. He lets brothers choose their wives. But he doesn't let me. He still thinks my mate is out there. But sister told me she seen my mate pass away from cancer and she wasn't going to give me a new one because I was in love with you and you,me. " I said an he frowned.

"I know."

"Guys hurry it up back there!" Leo said.

"I hope we get this all fixed so we can be together." He said and I nod.

"Yes. Imma find a way to be with you." I said and my brother grabbed my arm.

"Lets go sister." They said and I looked at them with a frown. I reach up and kissed him. A goodbye kiss.

"So long my love." I said and left as he disappeared in the woods.

I walk back inside and see my father looking at me. I frowned and Leo takes me by the hand, "dance with me sister." He said and I nod.

He looked down at me while we danced. I looked around and see Theodore. I wanted to dance with him so bad. I see father walk over to us and I frowned and looked at my feet. I see the longing look in Theodore's eyes. I knew I held the same look.

"Aphrodite. " He said and I looked at him.

"Yes father?" I said and looked up at him.

"I'll let you and Theodore see each other today and tomorrow and that's it." He said and I looked at him.

"Really!" I said happy.

"Yes. Only because your mother said so."

"Ok." I said and looked at Theodore. I thank my father and bow my head before walking over to Theodore. His other warriors and guards looked at me with a frown.

"Ah your highness your expecting?" Miles asked and I looked at him.



"Theodore." I said and turned to him. He smiled and looked at me. "Father said we have today and tomorrow together!"

"Now did he." He said and I looked at him. He looked at me with a smile. I nod and grabbed him and pulled him to me.

"Yes he did...now kiss me." I said and he smiled. He kissed me and I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close. When I pulled away I blushed as the warriors gave him winks and mumbled things.

"Shut up!" He growled and I smiled at him.

"Oh my!" I gasp and he looked at me. "My goodness!"

"What?" He asked and I touched my stomach.

"He's kicking." I said. "Hard." I said and when he touched my belly the baby kicked. He laughed at me and I push him away. "What are we gong to name him?"

"I don't know your good with names."

"Yep." I said and smiled. "Dimitri. Dimitri or Ares."

"How about both."

"Ok." I said and smiled. "Dimitri Ares Blackstone." I said and he smiled.

"I like it." He said and I nod.

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