He kicked some snow onto the body, before looking down at Nathan from the corner of his eyes. He let out a heavy breath that became mist in the cool air. Silence filled the air, causing Drake to twitch with is irritation returning. He held his arms and counted to ten silently to himself to keep himself relaxed. Relief came to him when Luke broke the silence as he spoke to Nathan.

  "Thanks kid. I owe you one." He chuckled as he hit him in the shoulder.

Nathan stepped back, rubbing his arm as he hissed from sore pain. "Ow!" He chuckled, feeling the leather of his glove touch a scar on his arm, causing him to hiss again. "Don't mention it..."

They both turned when Grayson spoke, readjusting his cape on his neck. "We should go. When Henry blew that horn, he alerted other mercenaries of our whereabouts. We have to go before anymore find us."

Luke nodded before he watched Xavier stumble up to the group. Endy was helping him walk, but he gently pushed her away. There were new bandages on his neck, soaking up blood and becoming over filled, letting his blood continue to run down his body and stain his white shirt with black underneath. His green eyes were filled with worry, concerned for his friend that nearly took a bullet.

  "Xavier! Are you alright?!"

Luke ran to him, eager to know if his injury was less severe than it appeared to be. He was just relieved that he was still alive. He came to a stop in front of him and the two female magi, looking over to spy just to ensure that he was okay. With his reckless behavior and the beating he took before defending Jane, Luke was expecting him to be in a critical condition.
His head was bruised and bleeding on the opposite side of the head injury he received the previous day. The blood was going down his face, begging to go over his left eye and causing him have to close it. He only smiled, but hissed and cringed in pain when he chuckled. Luke cringed, trying not to reach up and touch his new head injury.

Endy spoke, a look of sympathy on her face. "He can't talk for awhile. He could damage his vocal cords. It's better to be safe than to be sorry."

Xavier smiled at him weakly, trying to ease some of his worries. Luke did the same, his eyes tearing up. He felt like he could have done something to kept him from getting hurt. If only he was just a bit faster, just a bit stronger to have fought that guy off. He closed his eyes and shook his head, refusing to let those tears escape from his eyes.

  "At least you're alive...you and Jane." He pet the young girl's head as she clung to her father's leg. Her eyes were tearing up as well, understanding the situation but grateful that her father survived.

Mia looked over to Grayson, holding a gash on her arm. "Grayson, what about our injuries?"

The blonde looked around at all of his comrades, each of them injured and some more than the others. Xavier had his injuries tended to already, and Nathan was trying to tend to his own but visibility having some difficulty. Drake went up to Nathan and cleaned and mended as many of his wounds as he could. He did not really seem to bother to tend to his own wounds.
He wanted them all to be able to tend to their sustained injuries, but with the knowledge that even more mercenaries could be coming their way made him a bit too paranoid to stay there. They would probably have to deal with their wounds as they went out. Hopefully nobody else was hurt too severely. He just hoped that he was making the right choice.

  "We don't have too much time. If you have any severe ones, deal with those now. As I said earlier we have to get a move on, and fast."

He watched as everyone looked themselves over, taking out bandages and asking Endy for health positions. She ran out after giving the last ones to Lalea, Nathan, and Drake. That was it. They were all out. The ex-commander took out his map and looked down at it. The emperor's airship was close yet a ways away. He took in a deep breath, his nerves returning and hands beginning to shake just as they had earlier that morning.
He looked up and gazed into the south direction. They were so close to having this whole nightmare be over with. He was so close to bringing the empire to it's knees.

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