Chapter 16

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I probably won't be able to continue with the once a week updates. I've been really busy taking care of my puppies, because the bigger one is too playful and she always ends up hurting the younger one, so I have to constantly keep her attention off of him so she doesn't hurt him.
Anyways, I hope you understand. Enjoy!

Drake's point of view-

Forget... Why did that word keep repeating over and over in my head? I shook it off, ignoring my rapid thoughts. All that matters is getting Grayson and Mia out of here. Lalea, I'm not sure if she wants to escape with us or not. She might enjoy the life of luxury here, but have a heart kind enough to help us escape from this place. I only wish that she could help me with this monster in my head. I looked ahead, watching Lalea as she lead us to where she was positive the dragon egg was being held. I could sense a magic signature other than her own getting closer as we moved along. It was definitely a very powerful magic, that I've only felt in the presence of the dragon egg.

She turned her head to look over her shoulder at me. "Drake, can you feel that magic signature?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. It's very powerful. It has to be the dragon egg." I came out more quite than anticipated. My sore throat was gone, but now it was just becoming difficult for me to get my words out.

  "That's what I was thinking." Lalea said as she faced ahead of herself.

I was rapidly looking around, making sure that we weren't being followed. I just felt uneasy and watched, but those weren't feelings I was unfamiliar with. I kept gazing at Luke, wondering how Grayson was able to stand having him around. I knew that Grayson wasn't the forgive and forget type. Oh well, if he's an ally now, then I have to get him out of here as well, if he's willing to leave. I wished I knew what happened while I was gone, but I knew that it wasn't the time to ask.
Every once in awhile I'd stumble on my feet, and my vision would become blurry. It was starting to happen again. My legs shook, threatening to give out under me. I could feel my breathing getting heavier as my vision blurred.

  "Drake!" I heard Mia say before I fell over, finding myself in her arms once I opened my eyes. It wasn't the first time she caught me when I did that.

  "Thanks...again." I said, waiting for my body to get back to normal, before pushing myself back to my feet and continuing to walk.

Grayson walked by my left side, now rubbing his arm. He looked worried, and of course, I knew that worry was for me. He turned to face me, his emerald eyes sparkling, then back up ahead.

  "We should find the storage area and get our supplies back. Drake has magic things in there that could help us, and I have a health potion or two to give to him."

Mia replied. "Yeah. The map to hatch the dragon egg could still be in your backpack."

The magic kept getting closer, until we all came to a corner. Lalea peered around, trying to keep us behind her until she could assure that the coast was clear.

  "There's a lot of guards. The dragon egg has to be behind that door." Lalea said, turning around to face us. "You guys ready?"

We all nodded, readying our blades. Luke was the first to turn the corner and charge at the horde of guards. His battle scream rang out as he ran, and took his first victim from the crowd, plunging his sword into a man's chest. All of us walked away from cover, and charged to help Luke.
I held up my blade as a guard swung his own. They clashed together, sending vibrations down my wrist. I moved to the side, letting his blade swing as I swung my own blade upwards, cutting deep into the side of his face. He screamed, before I lunged my sword into his side, and killed him.
Quickly, I turned around and almost instantly was intertwined in another battle. This time, there were three coming at me. A growl rose from my throat, as I rushed towards my attackers. Instantly, I could feel the pain of iron ripping into my side. With one swing, I was nearly able to decapitate one, cutting deep into his neck. As his body fell over, I screamed in pain as another blade cut a deep scar into my back. I turned around to deal with the attacker, only for another man to knock me onto the ground.
I hissed and looked up, seeing the man hold up his blade to swing it down onto me. Before I knew it, blood was splattering on my face. A blade pierced through the man's throat, making him drop his blade and cough up his own blood. His body fell back as the blade was pulled out, revealing Grayson behind him. A halfhearted grin spread on his lips.
He was then pushed down, hovering over him with his blade poised to strike. I scampered to my feet, rushing at him. I grabbed his head and pulled it back, then placed my blade on his neck and dug it into his skin before dragging it across his flesh. I pushed his body to the side, letting it fall onto another corpse.

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