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Thoughts filled my head until- nothing was there at all. My mind was blank. As soon as my body went numb, my parent's memories flooded into me. "let your anger out my child... do what you were born to do..." It was the voice of my mother. I glare at the others laughing and playing. I stand up and let the shadows wrap around my limbs, body, and face until my white fur became pitch black. My hair became mist and my eyes blood red. Fangs peaked from my lips. My dragon wings had also become black, the inside skin ruby red. I held them out and walked out from under the tree. Some nearby fillies stopped and stared. Their stares were a mix of fear and confusion. It made me laugh. Sadly they had heard it. Oh well... I walked over to the school bulding. All eyes on me. It was annoying, but who cares. The day was almost done so I'll be able to leave soon. As the bell rang, the students filled into the building sitting down at their desks. The remaining time passed and the last bell of the day went off. Moth- I mean... Celestia came to get me. She too had noticed the appearence difference. I knew she did even if she didn't say a word about it. Soon... revenge will take place...


Hey guys. I finally found the will to continue this book. Thanks for all the reads!!!

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