Blake's Architecture

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"I have a question... Why are we here?" I ask and a lady speaks up.

"To plan the decorating and furnishing of our new orphanage."

"Exactly... An orphanage in other words a home for homeless children." I pause for effect. "Now, what makes a place feel like a home? The familiarity? Feeling of comfort? Well to me – I don't know about you – these are some things I look for in a home. Familiarity meaning I can recognize things, things that bring back happy memories in my life or reminds me of people in my life that brought me happiness. Comfort meaning I am able to sit back and relax, not feeling out of place nor reminded of horrible things in my life. That is what I look for in a home."

I look at Johnattan to see him in deep thought and smile. He catches my action and winks.

Ignore him.

How can I when he's so hot? ... It's like trying to avoid a plague.

"For children these things are essential for them to feel at home. So, why decorate their home for them?" I raise my brow; my arms across my chest. "Why not them decide how they want their new home to look like? Freedom of expression!... I say let them decide. I can't come up here and tell you how their home is supposed to look like it would be unfair to them. Imagine buying your new home and getting a decor that you don't like or that repels you and being unable to change it."

"So what are you saying? We should make the children do the work themselves?" A man in a black suit and a navy blue tie asks.

"Not entirely. I say we survey the kids, hear what they want and put their ideas into action. Yes they can help with the final touches but it would be us working base on their needs." I answer and the man nods.

"I have a question how does it benefit us? The expenses that it would take to partake in this project would be a lot not to get something in return." A blond haired woman in a sky blue pants suit speaks up.

Huh? What the hell? Hasn't she ever heard it's better to give than receive?

"Ah yes, for your company..." I look at the idea board and spot the name. "Blake's Architecture, it would mean a lot of exposure. Imagine it, a company actually succumbing to the needs of needy children, helping them and trying to make them comfortable in their new home. It would bury the statement that says 'No emotion, that's what business is', it would show that you do care or have emotions." I answer.

Right here I am just pulling things out of my sleeve but damn I'm on a roll. I got that line from Sucker for pain. Ah... Music, our life helper and saver.

"So to sum up what I just said. I believe that the children should be their own decorators and your benefit is the publicity that this idea attracts. It would boost your imagine and shine light on the emotional side of business." I state as I stand in front of the serious looking business women and men.

I glance at Johnattan, receiving a blank look. I smile nervously and look at James for any clues to my faith. He too is blank. Damn these people must have taken years to perfect those expressionless masks, they never once falter.

"Ms. Hase..." The hair at the back of my neck stand up as Johnattan addresses me in that deep, soft voice.

Calm your hormones honey...

"Your idea is rather creative and covers an important aspect, the needs of the orphans. I can see the company's popularity increasing with this strategy..." it was going my way so far. "But the expenses are – as my colleague said – far too much for this small project."

Bang... Well there goes my shot at that bonus I think as I start to lose hope. Or maybe not as I get a brilliant idea, I'm giving up that easily. Momma's got to make a move.

"With all due respect Mr. Blake, I agree with your point but isn't this supposed to be a charity project? Giving to the poor without looking for something in return?"

"Yes but–"

"If finances are what trouble you Mr. Blake then you shouldn't have signed up for this..." I say rather sassy. "A high ranking company like yours shouldn't have a problem with giving money for a good cause. The lack of generosity looks rather pathetic and selfish on your part."

All the eyes in the room shoot to Johnattan as he looks at me rather surprised. What? He didn't expect sass from an employee like me? I may not make a lot of money nor am I in a high ranking position but I still have the qualifications and knowledge to walk into any of those big CEO's shoes. I'm not going to make them tell me what can't be done when obviously it can be done.

His eyes hold mine searchingly with quirked brow. I have made my move already, now it is his turn. I smirk at him and his eyes light with amusement. His hand grips his chin and he leans back in his chair.

"Maybe your right Ms. Hase..." The wind is knocked out of me, instantly. I am right?... Well I am but he actually states it. What is he playing at?

I am not the only one surprise at his words, the audience seem to cease all movements. "I should be more charitable and worry less about money this one time."

This must be a dream... He's up to something...

"Since you are the person who came up with this idea and you are so passionate about it... I am going to give you control of it."

I stare at him, mouth agape. "Y-you're what?"

He smiles at my expression. "You are in charge of this project. The surveying, getting the materials, creating ideas to raise more funds where needed if our budget is exceeded and being the clerk of work during the decorating."

The men and women stare at him shocked. This is too good to be true. I'm getting control of a project, my own project! I've waited years for a big break like this and now it is here! I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs and going nuts with excitement. I feel like a kid who finds a bucket of sweets in a cupboard after being put on a sugar free diet for a month... Yeah, I'm that happy...

This is it my big break!

Hold up.

There is suddenly a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that has me free falling from cloud nine. There had to be a catch... The look in Jonathan's eyes assured me of this. The mischievous look in them and the way he stares at me as if he has me exactly where he wants me.

"With all that work of course... You are expected to move to New York for the duration of the project." He says smugly. "Working alongside me and my team."

Yep, there it is... The catch. 

Conclusion: Glad you made it to the end, tell me what yah think don't be a ghost reader... Also star...😎😀😊


Shani B😍👧

DOMINANT✔ (DSD SERIES, BOOK ONE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora