Who are you going to call? Not us!

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There was three people sat all together, an Ouija board placed before them and the pointer set in the middle of it. The room was dark to add ambiance, the only light available was coming from the candles that circled around the three figures- the flames casting large shadows onto the walls. 

"Dudes I don't know, what if we all get possessed?" Alfred asked, fidgeting out of nerves. 

"Then you get to be the hero." Dreamz encouraged as she glanced down at her phone, looking for the speech that the medium had to say. 

"But Dreamz... What if I get possessed?!" 

"Well then Shelby will have to find a new boyfriend" Dreamz shrugged not so caring. At her statement Alfred went pale, finding that idea to be absolutely horrifying.

"Shelby will break up with me if I get possessed?!" 

"Well it wouldn't be you she would be dating if you got possessed...." Matthias said slowly as he chucked the lighter away from the three of them. "She would be dating whatever that's possessing you." 

"....Dudes I don't want to do this anymore." 

"You know I think getting possessed would be quite fun." Dreamz said on the offhand. 

"This is why people think you're part demon Dreamz." 

Her eyes widened as a tiny gasp left her, "and that's why I hate swimming... Because I'm basically Satan... Oh my god everything makes so much sense now." 

Matthias decided to hit her, "just hurry uppp." He whined. "I want to get this over and done with." 

"Alright, alright. Are we ready to contact my brothers and sisters?" Dreamz demanded as she set her hand on the pointer, glancing down to see the words on her screen. 



"Okay let's do this. Are we all touching the pointer thing or whatever you wanna call it?" 

Alfred slowly touched it, looking incredibly uncomfortable and distressed with the situation he was placed in meanwhile Matthias looked more excited about it. 

"Yeah, yeah. Hurry up already!" 

"Calm yourself." Dreamz mused. "Okay, here we go. Dear spirit, as we sit with you now we open our hearts. We surround ourselves with the love and light of your protection. We release any negativity that we have picked up throughout the day so that we speak to the universe with the purity of our souls. We ask that any energy be given for our absolute good. Dismiss now all energies that are not of the Highest and Greatest source. As we bathe in your grace, we will listen to your resounding voice within us. We will be true to our hear and your gentle guidance." 

Silence followed, Alfred getting more and more uncomfortable with each passing second. 

"Is anyone there?" Dreamz asked. 

For a few seconds nothing happened, but then the pointer slowly made it's way to the 'yes' option this making Alfred whimper in fear meanwhile both Matthias and Dreamz grin slightly- appearing to find joy in this activity of the paranormal. 

"Who are you?" Was the next question. And slowly the pointer began to move across the board, letters being selected by the hole in the triangle and during this whole process Alfred was shaking his head around wildly, his eyes remaining to be shut as if that will stop all of this. He only allowed them to open once more when he saw that the candle light had immediately disappeared. 

"GUYS I REALLY THINK WE SHOULD STOP THIS NOW." He said very loudly, not wanting that to be ignored. 

"Don't be silly Alfred, it's just Edward trying to contact us." Matthias reassured him, but of course that made the American even more horrified. 


"Shh." Dreamz said before clearing her throat. "Edward, why are you still here?" 

And once again the pointer moved around the board, and this was what made Alfred absolutely terrified. 

"Him? Him? Who's him?!" He demanded, growing frantic. 

All of the sudden a cold air made it's presence, the American immediately began to hyperventilate in fear. He glanced over at Dreamz who was beside him wondering what exactly was her reaction to all of this but what he saw freaked him out even more. Her eyes had rolled to the back of her head, mouth left open. Now unable to handle all of this Alfred jumped up and sprinted, yelling out for Shelby to come and save him. This just left Matthias and what appeared to be a possessed Dreamz to be alone. 

"Whoa you really freaked him out." Commented the Danish man, laughing slightly. He glanced over at the Australian who he noted was already looking at him. 

"It was you." She said hoarsely, her voice not sounding like her own as she blindly touched the blonde's face. "I died because of youu." 

Matthias' eyes widen having not expected this and he was starting to get slightly uncomfortable as he felt how cold the girl's hand was. 


"You... Will... Pay..." She hissed out and when those words left her the flames of the candles returned in the form of fiery pillars. Deciding that it would be wise not to stay around for any longer the man jumped up and ran out, fearing his life. 

And as soon as the door shut, Dreamz' eyes returned- the girl laughing loudly at how she had managed to play both males. 

"Oh god, that was great." She wheezed out as she continued to laugh. "Should probs say sorry to Alfs though... Hmm we'll see." The girl then stood up and stretched a slight frown coming onto her face as she noted the cold air was still around. She looked around, expecting to see an aircon around but there wasn't any. And it couldn't be because of an open window either for she knew for a fact that the outside air was as warm as ever. 

She then glanced at the lit candles, cocking her head slightly for she knew that these ones weren't the special type where when the flame goes out it will relit. She just used the normal ones... 

"Eh, probably just going crazy." She shrugged as she packed everything up before leaving. 

Meanwhile hovering at the back was a small little ghost, him looking down on the floor with a sad expression on his face. 

"I just wanted to say hi..."

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