Lying isn't good for your health

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Okay I'm sorry for how awkwardly paced/written this was xD it sorta changed direction mid-way


Jett was concerned and he had absolutely every right to be. You see for a while now- actually this past month he's been noticing some changes in Dreamz. She's gotten quieter, shyer, the way she spoke now was so much softer that some times Jett couldn't exactly catch what she had said. She was lacking in energy, always appearing to be tired or stressed over something. All of these changes were so sudden and out of the blue that it was all so jarring to the nation.

 And what made him worry more was what was going on now. Moments before hand he received a call from the school, informing him that Dreamz had to be taken home, for what reason they didn't say and right now it would appear that the girl wasn't going to specify why either. 

He carried her bag as he glanced over at her, seeing how she was walking in a calm manner, her face remaining to be a blank slate to hide whatever emotions she was feeling. She let out a heavy breath, hands stuffed in the pockets of her school uniform. 

"What?" She arched an eyebrow, looking at him in a questioning manner. "You alright there?" 

The Australian frowned a bit but then shook his head, "yeah... So uh, what happened today?" 

Dreamz shrugged, "nothing really." 

"Really? Nothing at all in particular?" He wondered trying to see if he could bait her into telling him what was wrong. He wanted to know why exactly he had to get her out of school early. 

"Nope." He watched as she continued to walk, not appearing to be caring at all for anything. 

"You sure?" 


His frown deepened, "so is that your way in telling me you're not going to tell me what's wrong?" 

"Nothing is wrong." 

Now Jett didn't believe that for a second, however he still let it go. "Alright then." 

They continued walking but in silence and it was here that Jett thought of something, wanting to gain a reaction from the girl. So with a slight smirk to indicate he meant no harm he stretched his arm out about touch his friend's back but Dreamz being the paranoid girl she was flinched and whipped around ready to block his arm. Her body was tensed, her eyes wide for a second before she realized what happened and relaxed.

"Don't do that!" She scolded, laughing slightly, she whacked his arm away causing him to chuckle a bit. 

"What it's not my fault you get so flinchy about this sort of stuff." He said with a teasing grin, shifting her bag slightly as the pair of them continued to walk onwards. 

"Well I can't exactly help that considering Prussia had shoved me into a glass table." She said on the off hand. At the sound of that Jett stopped in his tracks his eyes widening for it was the first he heard of it. He stared at her, needing more answers. 

"He did what now?" He demanded his tone sharp. Dreamz flinched a bit at the sound of his voice, stopping in her tracks as she looked at him- going slightly paler as she let out a few more ragged breathes, now mentally face palming at the slip up. 

"Jett it's okay, it's nothing. Just-" 

"When did this even happened?!" He was mad now, teeth gritted and eyes ablaze as he continued to allow the thought to process. He looked at her, expecting an answer. 

"It was only a few months ago, n- not th- that big of a deal." She stammered out. "It's fine Jett seriously, he-" 

"Months ago?! You're telling me that he shoved you into a glass table where you could have died and you never even told me about it?!" 

Now Dreamz was never too found of shouting when it's at a certain pitch, it freaks her out slightly causing her to stress even more so. And well with this yelling and anger that was now coming from Jett she was expressing some difficulties, a panic expression coming onto her face as she clutched at her hair, her eyes now reveling how uncomfortable she was.

"Dreamz seriously, what the hell?!" 

"I- it wasn't th- that.... I- i- i-." She stopped herself from speaking, needing to try and get herself in order. She took several deep breathes, the girl clutching her chest slightly. "It's fine Jett... Besides there's nothing you could have done about it. I put myself in that position in the first place." She managed to choke that out, her tone quite soft and low. 

The Australian just shook his head, "either way! He fucking pushed you in a glass table and you didn't tell me about it!" 

"What c- could you have done about it?" 

"That's not the point Dreamz. I know you keep shit to yourself all the time and I don't like that." He grunted out. 

"Well why is there a problem no-" 


Dreamz just flinched once more at the sharpness and the volume of his voice. The girl facing more and more difficulties with her breathing but still she didn't let it show on her face, her not wanting to cause anymore anger, drama or tension. Instead she just looked at him, waiting for him to calm down. 

Jett just groaned and ran his hand through his hair, "I want you to tell me this sort of stuff, when it happens instead of hiding it." 

"I don't hide it..." 

"Sorry what was that?" 

She cleared her throat speaking only slightly louder, "I don't hide it." 

"Yeah? Then want to tell me what's been going on lately? You've been different."

"It's nothing." 

Instantly the male face palmed, "this is exactly what I mean! It's obviously something if the school had to call me to pick you up. I want you to tell me what's wrong." 

"Nothing's wrong." 

"Dreamz please don't lie to me. Last time you did that... Things didn't go well." At that Jett threw a slight glance to her legs. 

"I'm sorry." She managed to squeak out as she took another heavy breath. 

"What? No. Don't be- I just want you to tell me what's wrong. I don't want to be in the dark about it, especially if it's serious. 'kay?" 

The girl nodded and with that they resumed their walk in silence, it occasionally disrupted as Dreamz sighed at random intervals. Surprisingly Jett didn't pay much attention to that, but instead more at her silence. 

"I'm sorry if I scared you with my shouting." 

Dreamz just shook her head, that being an indication that she wasn't all that affected with it. On they walked, getting closer and closer the the MRT station that was close by and during that journey Jett couldn't help but get even more paranoid. Especially since he was starting to feel a slight wedge in the friendship between himself and Dreamz. 

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