A Surprise pt 1

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A small group of girls were sat outside, talking aimlessly to one another. Three of them were in their swimsuits ready to go for a swim in the near by pool while one of them remained in her casual clothes. A little bit away from them was another group- this one consisting of boys who were swimming about in the pool causing all sort of ruckus.

"Are you sure you're not going to swim with us?" Asked a rather tall girl. Her hair was a light brown, curling down her back, eyes more noticeable with the dark circles underneath and greenish shade that they seem to have.

In reply of her question the clothed girl nodded, a tight lipped smile on her face. "Yeah I'm sure. Someone's gotta keep an eye on the barbie, plus I don't exactly trust Jett with it."

"Yeah I wouldn't trust him with it to be honest." Commented the blue eyed girl that remained to be shortest of the group much to her annoyance.

The girls looked over at the pool again, seeing their country friends messing about. Jett had decided to enter into the pool via cannonball,  Yao was muttering in annoyance about how crazy everyone was acting- Loung standing listening to him whilst Gilbert and Alfred were constantly firing at everyone with their water guns. Matthew was trying his hardest to tell Alfred that he was taking it a notch too far leaving Ludwig to make sure Prussia doesn't go over board.

"Actually, I don't trust either of them." Corrected Shelby, watching with slight amusement as Alfred basically tackled Yao.

"Oh dear, China isn't going to be happy about that." Stated Sammi, a girl with pin straight hair and dark brown eyes. She fidgeted slightly in her hoodie that was keeping her bathing suit concealed.

Hope nodded in, slightly worried whilst both Dreamz and Shelby watched not feeling all that concerned. As if feeling their eyes on them, Prussia turned his head to face them offering a devilish smile accompanied with a wave. Smirking slightly Dreamz waved back, deciding to blow a kiss back which caught her friends off guard.

As if noticing their confused looks she let a laugh slip from her.

"Oh yeah, I should probably say this. Pruss and I are dating."

"Wait, WHAT?

"Kidding. It's a prank."

"Well that's a pretty crappy prank then." Pointed out Shelby. "Sorry to tell you this Dreamz, but you don't immediately say it's a prank."

"Ah, but young one the prank is not on you." She nodded her head over to the pool, a secret and knowing smile spreading out on her face. "The prank is on him."

Sammi scrunched up her face, confused, "I don't get it..."

"Okay, so recently I lost a bet against Pruss so I'm forced to aid him in one of his pranks. And well I decided that I would flip the tables and prank him instead."

Hope cocked her head to the side, thinking more of it, "so why that prank?"

In turn Dreamz grinned, it nearly representing the grin of Cheshire's. "Well I know how Jett sees me as his little sister, so if it goes the way I think it will go then Prussia will get his ass kicked and I would simultaneously be giving Jett a heart attack. My own little revenge, for all the trouble they had put me through. "

They all put their focus back on the pool, all of the boys seeming to calm down as Prussia talked a grin on his face and his hands on his hips as if he was so much more important then them. It seemed as if he was putting the prank in play, that quite obvious with the reactions shown on crowd's faces. Alfred was clutching his sides laughing seeming to be the only positive reaction for Jett seemed to be shaking with rage- his green eyes blazing, meanwhile Ludwig's face was going a bright red, clenching his fists.

Prussia seemed to realize that things weren't really looking up for him as Jett then decided to throw a punch making the albino dodge with speed. And with that movement drama started up again followed by a chase sequence with Prussia breezing past the girls and Jett following closely behind shouting out a long string of curse words.

"So you gonna say it's a prank?"

"Not to those two. I'll just let them run around for a little bit longer. See how long they last."

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