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7:00 am

Mornings are not my thing! So naturally when Leigh Anne came into my room poking me I groaned loudly and pulled the covers over my head. My body felt weak due to the fact I barely got any sleep and I didn't want to be bothered.

" Leigh Anne no stop!" I said trying to roll away from her and go back to sleep

"come on get up your going to be late for school!" She pulled my blankets away flashing her bright smile. I don't understand how she can be so happy this early in the morning

I shot her a glare hoping she would leave me alone, but she only smirked and opened my curtains letting the brightness fill my room

" Leigh Anne!" I yelled covering my eyes " You are mad!"

"It's a beautiful day," she said cheerfully " breakfast is downstairs once you shower and get ready for the day, you have approximately 15 minutes,"

I fell back on my bed and groaned one last time before actually managing to get up and pick out some clothes

Now before we go any further I'd like to introduce myself, my name is ivorly, kinda like Everleigh but with an I, everyone calls me ivy for short tho! I'm 10 years old and I'm the little sister of Perrie Edwards from the girl band Little Mix.

When I was around two years old my parents gave me up to travel the world, that's when I came to live with my sister and her three band mates Jesy, Jade, and Leigh Anne. Life with them is pretty amazing, I get to go on tour with them, I get to meet cool new people and go to cool places. It's kind of like being a celebrity myself just without the hard work behind it.

I wouldn't say my life is perfect though, there are still many downsides to it all! Like for instance if I misbehave I get spanked. Terrible right?!? I wouldn't say I misbehave a lot but living with four older girls and nobody close to your age is kind of hard sometimes and I can get a little mischievous..

Jesy is the oldest of us all and she's kind of like the mom. She's the role model and by far the strictest of all the girls. She doesn't put up with any misbehavior or disrespect. Although she's the mom of the group she's still very fun, she never speaks to us likes she's our mother unless she seriously needs to and that's one of the things I love about her! Jesy is always great to be around, she has the best stories and can always cheer me up, shes kinda like superwoman , but shes not the best cook...

Next is Leigh Anne, but we call her lee for short. She's super sweet and is also like a mother figure, but a way sillier version. If you ever needed someone to talk to she's the one to call! She never gets mad at us, and she's always the positive one in a bad situation. One of her many talents is getting me out of trouble, if I am ever in deep poo she always tries to help me out. Shes also a pro baker/chef! She teaches me how to cook and never fails to entertain me in the kitchen when I'm bored.

Jade is the third oldest and I consider her the glue! She holds everything together with her wit and corky personality. She always has the best advice and can fix anything with a snap of her finger. She's kind of like an old lady at times.. she loves soap operas, biscuits, tea and books, but her most favorite thing of all is Disney! We watch Disney movie's everyday of the week because of her, I don't mind it, Jesy hates it the most, but gets forced to watch anyways. Although jade has an old lady side to her she's the biggest kid you'll ever meet, she plays with LEGO's and any little kid toy she finds in a store, she loves coloring in coloring books and even has an Elsa and Anna tea set... I love my jadey tho, she's super funny and is a god sent angel!

Little Mix (spanking story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя