I chuckled as Seungkwan sunk down in his seat. 

"Could I bring Hansol?" I asked them.

Seungkwan's eyes widened at his name, "YES! I've always wanted to meet that guy."

The class continued and so did the other ones. Mingyu sat beside me each time and it was nice. Though I am afraid, I think he would of said something by now. I felt okay with him, finally. Maybe he doesn't remember what happened or he is trying to forget. I can't help but feel like it's a trick and when I least expect it, he is going to stab me in the back.

Lunch came around. Mingyu walked beside me and soon Seungkwan joined and everyone was in the halls with growling tummies, ready to eat the next thing in sight. I saw Hansol waving to me off in the distance. 

He walked over to us, "Hey! We having lunch together?" 

"Yeah! Could these guys join in?" I pointed to the others.

He nodded, "yeah sure. I'm Hansol!" 

"I'm Kim Mingyu."

"I am Boo Seungkwan." 

We all walked together in to the cafeteria to get our lunch. Seungkwan and Mingyu seemed to be jumping over the moon for Hansol.

"So what happened to your face?" Hansol pointed to Mingyu.

"Oh! I almost forgot it was even there. No wonder everyone was staring at me today. I got attacked by a shark but i sucker punched it in the neck and it died instantly. No big deal.."

The group all laughed at Mingyu's obvious lie.

"What? Don't believe me? Ask Wonwoo."

"He really did kill a shark with one punch to its neck." I tried not to laugh but failed.

Mingyu had a smile on his face, "listen to Wonwoo. He knows what he is talking about. He saw everything go down."

Seungkwan rolled his eyes,"Okay...very funny..."

"So what really happened?" Hansol butted in.

"I got beat up by a drunk guy." Mingyu said plainly with a shrug as if he was trying to play it cool.

"Oh damn. Thats scary dude." Hansol said.

"HOLY COW!" Seungkwan shouted and hugged Mingyu.

"Thank God Wonwoo found me and helped me out." 

Mingyu's eyes looked to mine with a look of thankfulness. I felt a jolt in my stomach that felt electric. I tried to ignore it knowing what that could lead to...butterflies. Not for Kim Mingyu. Not for a traitor. Not for a boy. I won't give attention to that idea of liking someone that is not a girl. Whatever...I'm not gay. 

I shifted out of my uncomfortable state of confusion and heard the bell chime. Lunch had ended on a good note of laughter and joy. I thought to myself how I genuinely enjoyed these people. I didn't want to let my guard down yet though and I wonder if I even know how to but I am willing to see if that is an option. 

"Alright. Thanks for lunch guys. You all are so much fun," Hansol got up and we followed.

"It was great to meet you! Just letting you both know," Seungkwan looked at me and Hansol, "Mingyu and I meet at Toms N Toms most nights around 7 or 8. You guys are more than welcome to come hang."

"That sounds like fun," I spoke quietly.

"See you all later!" Hansol and Seungkwan said in harmony and left me and Mingyu.

Kim Mingyu

I watched as Hansol and Seungkwan left to their next classes. Wonwoo stayed next to me, quiet and still. He looked to me with hair falling over his eyes. It was a kind of cold glance; emotionless. 

"That was fun, huh?" I broke the silence.


The mood got awkward and I shuffled my feet slightly.

"Should we, uh, go to our next class?"

Wonwoo had faced me looking up with a soft smile, "Yeah. Let's go."

Wonwoo walked in front of me, leading the way. I started to feel heavy. This weight of knowing what had happened to him was weighing me down. I don't want him to know but I do at the same time. I don't know what I am so afraid of. 

What am I so afraid of?

YOOOOO GUYS!!! I forgot about this story tbh...I remembered a couple days ago and reread it and felt like i should try to finish it ya know! I can't believe the amount of people who have read it. I hope people are still here to keep reading! Thanks for waiting. More to come.

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