"Did you ever doubt that your dream will ever come true?" - Phan

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9th of May 2013

"Did you ever doubt that your dream will ever come true?" Phil reads out in the chat.

It is a calm Thursday evening, which they had just established was Phil's favourite day of the week – Dan prefers not to lock down on any type of favourite.

Dan had not expected that question after being asked to choose between hamsters or lions and Death Note or Game of Thrones. It is a High School Musical lyric, of course... but that isn't what makes Dan grin.

A smile creeps up on his lips and his eyes glance over at Phil, who seems oblivious to the lyric reference.

Without knowing that, it's a pretty serious question and Dan quickly informs Phil that it's Bet On It lyrics and they have a laugh. However, as soon as the live show ends, he finds his mind drifting back to that moment.

He couldn't very well contemplate it in front of thousands of their viewers but it's worth some thought and throughout the live show, it's been turning the wheels in his head. It's stupid, as much as he likes High School Musical it's just a movie and that line is cheesy as hell.

But he thinks back to his involuntary smile and how he couldn't stop his eyes from glancing in Phil's direction, even if he had wanted to. He has always been a deep thinker and he knows that was probably why he's been in an almost constant state of existential crisis since dropping out of university.

But here he is at 21; living in London with Phil, have a weekly radio show on BBC Radio 1 and over 1 million YouTube subscribers. It is the dream. It is the creative life he had gone in pursuit of when he dropped off the safe path, which was making him unhappy.

And it is all because he had started watching AmazingPhil back in the day. Back when he was sixteen-year-old kid and hadn't dared to start a YouTube channel, even though he wanted to. And now he has around the double of Phil's subscribers, which feels wrong. Clearly, people know nothing about quality. Phil is still his favourite YouTuber, even after all these years and he's so underrated.

It had taken meeting and befriending Phil to convince him that people would listen to him and that he would be capable of creating content that was worth watching. Dan would never be able to repay Phil for that.

"Are you okay, Dan?" Phil asks him and steps back into the lounge.

Their lounge. Their flat. In London. A home that Dan shares with the most important person in his life.

"You were talking to yourself," Phil says with a kind tone.

They've lived together for so long that he doesn't even question it anymore when Dan walks around and talks to himself. But he's sitting on the sofa still and has yet to move since ending the live show.

Dan thinks back to all the comments and replies that he would leave on Phil's videos and tweets. He still isn't sure how he had gotten lucky enough for Phil to give him the time of the day.

They are similar in a lot of aspects but at their core, they have very different personalities. As individuals, they are one thing and together they are another. Dan's swearing mouth, crushing self-doubt, self-deprecating humour and deep ponderings are contrary to Phil's apparent innocence, generous heart, funny puns and quick mind.

Phil is so good-hearted, precious and adorable that Dan feels privileged to have him around all the time. He literally lives with the sun as some of their subscribers joke.

At once, Dan stands up only to almost fall over as he experiences a big head rush.

Phil rushes forward as to catch him but only manage to knock into the table with his chin and exclaim in pain.

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