The night owl and the early bird - Tronnor AU

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The winter makes the nights longer, which Troye likes. He can be completely himself in the dark. He works best in the very late hours of the night when everything else is quiet. He gets distracted too easily and when everyone sleeps he finally finds the peace to write his songs.

Normally, he would be in his room but he's managed to give himself cabin fever in the apartment that's not quite like home. As much as his family used to distract him, he misses them now that he lives alone.

He's escaped to the beach, which is just a short walk from his place. It's tranquil here. He considered dragging his keyboard out with him but decided it was too much effort and exercise.

So instead he's just got the worn-out notebook with song lyrics resting in his lap while he tries to figure out the lyrics that's been buzzing in his head but won't quite make it down on paper.

He groans and lets his body fall backwards, hitting the soft sandy hillside behind him. He's been up for too long and he's brain is refusing to work properly. He should listen to his drooping eyelids and go home and get some sleep but he can't – not before he's finished with the first draft of this lyric.

He could go back to the study in the morning and talk to his song writing partner but this song is too personal, too precious for him to share it with anyone before it's finished. It has to be his and only his words.

Troye is oblivious, lost too deep in his own thoughts, to notice the young man running down by the water in a quick pace.

It's an ungodly hour but Connor has made a new habit of starting his day with a super early run in the morning. It's gets his day off on the right food and prepares him for the busy day ahead.

As the winter has come, he now has to run while the sun has yet to rise. He's always been a bit scared of the dark and some of the roads he's run on the way to the beach are more than sketchy. However, here with the sand crunching under his feet – he feels completely safe.

During the summer days, this place would be packed full of tourists and the sum of humans would be louder than that of the nature. Not now.

He runs along skilfully while listening to the crashing of the waves. Sand is not the most comfortable thing to run in but he bears that sacrifice to feel this content and calm. He's even taken out his headphone pausing his beloved music selection to hear the music produced by the environment.

Once he makes it back from his run, he'll jump in the shower and then brew a coffee. While he's sipping that he'll go through his e-mail and get into work-mode, as he has to administer his budding business. His days are long and consist of huge amounts of hard work, which usually means he'll crash after eating a late dinner.

His friends tease him for his sleeping schedule and how he's usually in bed by 10 PM. He doesn't mind. He's working creatively, craving out his niche business and that takes dedication. Even though, he hated the early mornings at first, he's come to quite enjoy them.

Especially, when he's running here on the beach that feels like his own because he's the only one that ever is here at this time. Or not.

Connor spots a figure hunched over, sitting by the edge of the beach where the hilly grass part goes into the flat soft sand. Out of sheer wonder, he stops dead in his tracks.

Troye finally spots some movement in the corner of his eyes but then he thinks he's mistaken because everything goes quiet again. But no, there's something there, or rather someone.

It looks like a jogger. Who would be awake at this hour and out running, he wonders as he stares at the shadow that's just illuminated by the moonshine.

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