"So you like me now?" Harry grinned.
"You've grown on me." He admitted, holding his hand and resting his head on his shoulder.
"Draco, are you packed?" They heard his mother call.
"I had better go and tell her."
"Alright." He whispered his address to him, "I'll be waiting." He quickly pecked the others cheek before allowing him to move.


Draco gracefully stepped out of the fireplace in Harrys room, astonished by what he saw.
Potter was laying on the bed, naked except for his glasses and a thin, see-through blanket threw across his privates.
"Woah, Harry..."
Harry raised his eyebrows and looked in his direction.
"Sorry, I didn't know you'd come in like that. I was just resting. I'll get changed-"
"No!" He blurted out, "I mean, perhaps you should show me my room first."
"But I'm naked-"
"Why did you take off your boxers to change?" He questioned, stalling so he could see more of the boy.
"I-I usually just throw sweatpants on-"
"No underpants?"
"Who needs them?"
"Not you with your body, that's for sure." He mumbled.
"I heard that, Draco. Well, considering I have no other rooms I was planning to sleep on the sofa and give you this one, because surely you wouldn't want to sleep with me."

"Really? I prefer to be cuddled at night time, or else I feel alone." He placed his bags into the corner of the room, flicking his wand and making them unpack themselves neatly to fit in with Harry's things.
"I can't do that. I have nightmares and I don't want to wake you-"
"You do?! Same!" Draco smiled in relief, "I thought I was the only one."
"Y-you have them too?"
"Yes. And, from experience, it helps when you sleep close to someone."
"Wh-who? Who did you sleep with-"
"Jealous, Potter? It was just a small one-off thing with Pansy."
"Did you-?"
"Oh." He scratched the back of his neck, "So you don't mind if we share the bed?"
"Of course not. It's your house and I am so grateful that you allowed me to stay. Can I change?"
"Hm? Yeah, yeah sure." Potter stuffed his face into the mattress, "Tell me when you're done."

A moment went by until Malfoy was finished.
"You can look."
Harry faced the other and beamed when he saw that he was wearing a red button-up pajama top that lay abandoned hanging off his shoulders, along with red pajama pants.
"Oh come on, you're naked and you're picking on me because I have red pajamas?"
"Fair point. It's getting late... Do you want anything to eat?"
"No, I'd like to go sleep- If that's alright."
"Yes, obviously it is. Get here then. I'll give you a tour tomorrow."
"Where do you work?" He asked as he drew closer, laying beside the man in the bed.
"Me? Oh, well I sometimes help out at Diagon Alley shops which they all pay me well for, I have Blacks and Potters vaults and sometimes I write books-"
"You have the Blacks vaults too? And you write books?" He asked in shock, "Can I read one?"
"Yeah and they're childish books..."
"Wait... HJP right? Did you write The hippogriff and the boy?"
"You read it? Is it good?"
"Yes! It's my favourite! Did you actually think of that?"
"Of course I did. That and I sometimes write books for Hogwarts supplies, like Defence Against The Dark Arts."
"You are honestly so amazing. How did I not see this before?"
"I don't know, but I've always seen your light." Harry wrapped his arms around the blond man, bringing him closer and burying his face into his chest, "Cuddle me. It-it's cold."

Draco looked at the shivering lad in awe.
"You're adorable. How have people not said this to you before? You're hot but you act like an adorable little child. Merlin, Potter, you dork, you've got me falling for you alright."
"Really?" He asked in excitement, taking off his glasses and placing them on the bedside, "Sorry, I look strange without them-"
"You look gorgoues."
"Oh? I-erm- thank you." He blushed, feeling lips press onto his own.
"How about that cuddle?" Draco broke away, opening his arms. The naked man was quick enough to dive into the others warmth.


Halfway through the night, Malfoy woke up to screaming and looked beside him in panic and worry. Harry was pleading with something that wasn't there.
"Potter? Harry?" He wrapped him in his arms, whispering in his ear, "Draco's got you. He's cuddling you. Wake up, dear. It's alright. I've saved you, I've got you. Nothing's going to take you away from me." He repeated those words, trying to keep his tone soft as he shook the boy gently, "Wakey wakey! I love you..."
The other jumped up gasping for air as Malfoy pulled away. He immediately broke down in tears.
"Dr-draco? Shit, did I wake you? I'm sorry." He spoke between sobs, "I'll go to the living room-"
"Harry, you're staying here with me. I need to make sure you're safe. The nightmares won't instantly dissapear, but I can try to make them by holding you. Hell, you frightened me. Stop crying, lovely. What was it about? Do you want to tell me?"

Potter stared at the other directly into the eyes as he tried calming down. He couldn't tell him; Over the last few hours they'd become so close, Harry even thought they were dating. Or were they? Anyway, he wasn't ready to lose this mans trust.
He shook his head.
"Sometimes it's better to share them. I won't tell anybody. I can try to help you."
Potter bit his lip in thought. Draco had experienced what it was like to have traumatizing nightmares. Perhaps he could help.
"Promise you won't get mad?"
"Why will I get mad?" He raised his eyebrows, "I promise."
"I dreamed that you were a death eater... N-"
"Potter, I am a death eater. I've accepted it and if it's that hard to deal with, I'll leave."
"No! Stay. You aren't a death eater if you were forced to do it."
"H-how do you know about that?"
"How do you know?!"
"I have visions, dammit! And it's so obvious you may aswell stick a note on your head saying forced child."
"What else happened?" He asked firmly.
"Well I don't know if I want to tell you now." He muttered, rolling his eyes.
"I deserve to know if it was about me."
"Fine. Just don't yell at me. Basically, we got married and we had a child. But," He took a deep breath, "You murdered them. The kid, and me, because you said it was a mission from Voldemort. I-I-"
A gentle hand was placed on his shoulder, making him jump.
"I'm sorry for waking you." Potter muttered.

"It's alright. You know I'd never do such a thing to you... Plus, he's dead. I-I care about you, Harry..."
"Yeah... Yeah, I know. It was stupid. Go back to sleep."
Draco smiled and took the other in his arms, one hand holding him up against him and another rubbing circles into his back.
"As long as I'm holding you." Malfoy mumbled. Harry giggled and wrapped his arms around the others neck, making him look at him.
"What time is it, anyway?" Potter questioned, shuffling his bottom into the comfort of the others palm.
"Can you stop that?" He chuckled, "It's like two AM-"
"Shit I'm so sorry for waking you." Potter spoke, but the blond just smiled and yawned.
"Just come here and go to sleep. It's all okay." He placed his head on the others shoulder, his blond hair falling over his eyes.
"Yes?" he asked, attacking his neck with little kisses.
"I love you, too."

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