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Officer Brown ran and looked for a safe spot.  Not understanding what was going on, he continued on the road to Rita's home.  "Jesus, my mother, once told me a story about Andy.  She was coming from the playground with her older sister.  When they heard a cat cry out in horrible pain.   They went to take a look, and the stopped Andy stabbing a cat.  She didn't know who Cat it was but this kind looked like he was enjoying.  When my mother told that story, I really didn't believe her.  But now all these weird things happening, I have not to doubt she was telling the truth.    Now the officer got up from the ground and notice the cellar window open.  "Thank you! Jesus," he said as he climbed in through the basement window.

He was now in the house.  The odor was so funky, then he tied a long sock over her nose and mouth.   Then he looked for something to place into his ears.    He found a roll of paper tissue, then place some inside his ear to stop the horrible noise a little.   Then he sat there, waiting and thinking about what to do next.   Now as he kneeled down, to sit down. He noticed a  red jar.    "Wow,  even the red jar is real.  But empty.   "Look at this, It's written in a language I'm not familiar to me. I'll take to Rita she probably knows what it's for and what it says," he said as he went up the basement steps.   When he got to the entrance of the kitchen Rita noticed him.  

Then Nick noticed the Jar in his hands.   "Mom, look what Officer Brown is holding,"  he said as he pointed.  Rita quickly began to make sign signals at Officer Brown, trying to tell him to hide the Jar.   Officer Brown entered the living, going towards them.  Suddenly. someone or something grabbed him by the top of his head, almost ripping his hair off his head.   The officer screamed in agony, as he tried to pride, the hair off of his grip.   Rita was getting so pissed off.  This stupid ass ghost doesn't know who is messing with.

Now, Andy flew straight up to the ceiling, with Officer Brown still in his hand.  Officer Brown lost consciousness as he dangled by his hair in the air.  Rita quickly whispered to Nick, "Hurry, he's distracted, ran and get the jar.  I'll talk to him to keep him distracted." she said as she turns around, "You creep, let him go!" yelled Rita   "Honey, NO!  Don't tell him that, he'll drop him." said Tom   "Girly you better listen to what your husband said.   I pretty sure he knows what's going to happen.  So, now you have another cop helping you.  Really don't understand why, he just doing to die, just like the other one."Andy yelled as he started to swing  Officer Brown by his hair as dough he was turning a rope.    "Leave him alone,  you're going to kill him!" again Rita screamed  "Hey, what the hell you think I'm trying to do.  Shit, how stupid can you get." he said as he continued swinging Officer Brown.    

Now during all this,  Nick quickly ran and grabbed the Jar then ran back into the circle of salt.  "Mom, here I've got it," he said as he gave his mother the Jar.     "Nick, I need to figure out how to do this.  Keep an eye on this piece of shit, while I continue reading what to do next." she said   "I know what to do next Dad, already read the torn our sheet." said Nick   "Really." she said as she glances over to Tom who was now unconscious.   "Nick, come and whisper it in my ears.  I don't want that thing to hear you," she said.   "Mom, while isn't he trying to attack us?"Nick asked  

"Something to do with the salt.  He can't touch us, and as long as we whisper, he can't hear us," explained Rita as she quietly opened the jar and placed the matchbox car inside the Jar.  Then she placed the lid and covered it with the red cloth, while Nick kept an eye on Andy.  "All right what is up what all the whispering.  Don't you want to save this cop, of yours?  "Look what I did to him.  Isn't this funny.  I think is pretty funny." said Andy as he was slamming his body against the walls.  Officer Brown had come through.  He struggled to get his hair out of Andy grip.  Then he remembered he had a pocket knife.  He reached down to it and quickly stabbed Andy.  

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