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Rita got the chills as she read the pages of the diary.  "Honey, I guess she talking about my uncle.  At first, I never knew that I had an uncle.  But then when we visit grandmom,  I saw the pictures.  So I asked my mother and she had no chose but to tell me the truth.  Anyway a little of the truth.   He must be evil in some way." said Rita   "No, what she said was he is evil and this is his room.  No wonder our son was drowning himself.  For all we know it was him doing this." said Tom  "We left him alone." they both said at the same time as they put everything back in the briefcase and ran to check on Nick.   Nick heard them walking into the room, so he stood up, "Mom, I'm kind of hungry again." he said   

"Don't worry I'll fix you a sandwich.  Nick, I need you to listen, for now on, anywhere you go in this house, you must go with me or your father.  If you go to the bathroom, you leave the door opened. Do you understand?'she asked   "Why, because of that thing that flies?" he asked    Rita eyes open wide, then she ran and grabbed her son. "Nick, what did you see?" asked Rita  "The spirit again appeared with his threats.  Then Nick stood up off the bed and screamed, "Go away!  I'm not scared of you. Go away?"    

Rita and Tom stood there just looking at their son screaming into the air.   "Nick, what do you see?"Rita asked   But when Nick tried to talk, not one single ounce of noise exited his mouth.  "Tom look!  What's wrong with him?  He's trying to tell me something." she said as she went and hugged her son, hoping to comfort him.   Then all the windows in the house open wide and the wind was so strong that even the furniture was moving.  "Rita! Hold on to Nick.  I'll be right back." said Tom as he went to the closet and grabbed some blankets.   Every window in the whole house was open, and the air had a smell of a dead rat.   

He grabbed the blankets and tied them on to the radiator, then around all their waste.  They were all tied down together in one corner of Nick's room.   As the wind went through the room, they flew in different, direction, but the blankets help them unit again. The beds were knocked over, the house looked as though a tornado went through it.  But Tom good idea kept them from flying away.

"Look, don't look.  Just ignore him.  He has to stop soon or later." said Tom   "Dad, I'm scared, can we sleep somewhere else?" asked Nick   "Son we can't let the wind scares us out.  Let's just wait it out." said Tom   "What wind? It's not the wind that's doing this, it some kind of ghost. What if we die, what then?" asked Nick   "Listen, no one is going to die. I won't let it happen." said Tom as he hugged his family

Then they heard a knocking on the door.   The moment they heard the knock the wind suddenly stopped.  "Someone's knocking," said Nick with a worry looked on his face.    "And the wind stop, untie yourselves.  Come on, let's all of us answer the door," said Tom as he helped them. They slowly got off the floor and headed down to answer the door.   Tom looked through the peek hole when he realized that it was Officer Brown he quickly opened the door.   "Hello, I really don't know why but I'm kind of happy that you are here," said Tom as he let the Officer into the house.  "Hello folks, we really haven't found out what happened to your kitchen last night.  But I feel you should know that Officer Cruz has passed." he said   Rita got up from her chair and said, "What do you mean, she's dead?" she asked with fright in her eyes.   "Yes, that's what I said.  Rita, are you alright?  You really look pale, as dough, you have seen a ghost." said Officer Brown

"Look we're going to have to work on your case in a couple of days.  We must find out who did this to our partner.  That issue is of most important right now.  We hope you understand." said Officer Brown   "What happen to her?" asked Rita, but afraid of what he was about to hear.  "We don't know.  We found her splattered on the roof of her police car.  We just found her body and it hasn't been moved." he explained with a very sad look on his face.   "We are so sorry to hear this, we very sorry for your lost," said Rita who now felt that something was really wrong.  Then she glanced at her son who now was terrifying than before.  

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