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Tom and Rita finally arrived at the house.    As they walked in, the officer quickly got up from the chair,  "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson    I will be giving you a call the moment we find out anything." said Officer Brown as he walked out of their house.  Officer Cruz stood behind, "Excuse Ms. Rita, may I talk to you for a minute?'she asked    "Sure, what's up?" asked Rita as she placed the bags on the living room table.  "Honey, can you finish taking out the bags, Officer Cruz need to talk to me," said Rita as she stepped aside with Officer Cruz.  "I would like to tell you something,  I don't want to alarm you, but did your grandmother ever told you what went on in this house?'she asked as they both were walking outside to the porch.   "Like what?"Rita asked   "Did she ever told you about her oldest son?" asked the Officer   "I don't have any brother, I'm an only child and my mother was also an only child. So what are you talking about?" asked  Rita with a very confused look.

"I don't know exactly what you knew about your grandmother, but she did read people palms.  She messed with Voodoo dolls and spells.  The word on the street was that she killed her own son to protect the kids in the neighborhood.  Look, I never like this house, it gave me the creeps.  But I think you should look into this house's passed.  You have your son staying here. As I was growing up, I always avoided this house." said Officer Cruz as she started to walk away from Rita.  "As a child, I was also afraid of this house.  But, I really never thought anything of it," said Officer Cruz. " Thanks for telling me, I'll go to the library tomorrow, and look into what you said. Thanks a lot, see you tomorrow," said Rita as she headed back into the house.

Before she went back inside, the cleaning service arrived.  Rita and Tom grabbed the breakfast they bought and headed upstairs to eat.   Rita went straight to Nick's room.  She noticed Nick was still asleep.   "Hey, buddy aren't you hungry by now?'asked Rita as she sat on the side of the bed.   Nick slowly began to wake up.  As he got off his stomach and turn around, Rita noticed the dry blood on his forehead.   "Hey, what happened? she asked as she grabbed a napkin and started to clean off the blood.    When Nick was getting ready to tell her what happen, Andy's Ghost appeared behind Rita.  He placed his finger on his lips,  and on the other hand making a fist.  This made Nick nervous,  "I got up to go to the bathroom, somehow the blanket wrapped around my ankle and I fell and hit the nightstand with my head.  I guess that is why I'm still bleeding." explained Nick    

"Well, let me get the first aid kit and I'll clean it up right up.  Here, you go, I've got you a big breakfast, without the hot cakes, like you always ordered," said Rita as she handed him the food.   Tom went to get the first -aid kit.   When he arrived, he handed Rita the kit.  Then she clean Nick's cut up while he was eating.   "Sweetie, this house is very big, you must try to be a little more careful walking around.   My mother had never let me walk around here alone.  She always said she didn't trust her mother nor the house.  I've never known why, but I've always listened.  Besides the house creeped me out." explained Rita   "Mom, if I asked you something, promise me you won't laugh." said Nick, while eating.   "Sweetie, ask away," said Rita as she sat next to him on the bed.   

"Do you believe in ghost?" asked Nick with a worried look on his face.  "Well, I do believe in them.  My mother told me lots of stories.   Why do you ask?" asked Rita    Then when Nick was about to say what he saw, again  Andy's floating spirit appeared in the air behind his mother. His father was standing right there but didn't see nor hear a thing.   Andy stood there with a large kitchen knife in his hand.   "Well, I was just asking," said Nick as he continued to eat nervously.

Then Andy left and the knife dropped to the floor.   Tom quickly turned around and saw the knife on the floor.   "Where the hell did that come from?" said Tom as he picked up the knife.  "I don't know dad, I don't know anything at this moment," said Nick as he lost his appetite and pushed his food away.   "I'll take it back to the kitchen." said Tom looking at Nick strange   "Honey see if the cleaning services are done.  I  left the money under, the TV set.  Can you paid them for me and please make sure all the doors a locked." said Rita   "No problem sweetie."Tom said as he left Nick's room.   "Now Nick, your father is not here, do you want to tell me anything?" asked Rita  "No, I'm fine mom.  Can we go to the park today?'asked Nick   "Honey we have a big playground in the backyard.  There's no need to go to the park when you have a playground of your own." said Rita   

"Playground of my own.  Mom, that is not my playground," said Nick as he got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.    Rita started knocking on the bathroom door.   "Sweetie, what did you mean?" asked Rita     When suddenly she heard the tub water running.   "Nick what are you doing, if you planned on taking a bath you must leave the door unlocked, now open up this door now!" said Rita     Nick didn't answer.  Inside the bathroom, he was now frozen in a corner for he wasn't alone.  "If you tell, you will die.  But first, I'll kill your mother and father right in front of you." said the spirit    "Go away, leave me alone now!" yelled Nick   This his mother heard, "Oh right, I leave you alone.  Young man you,  When you are done, I must have a talk.  I'm going away now." said Rita as she was about to leave Nick's room.  

Then as she was walking out, she remembered what Officer Cruz told her to be careful and look up the history of my grandmom.   Then she quickly ran back into the room and started to bang on the door.  "Nick!  Open the door now!" she screamed as she was trying to break the door open.    

Meanwhile, in the bathroom  Nick's head was inside the toilet, the demon spirit was trying to drown him.  He was the only one that the spirits was visible too.    Nick didn't answer.  This made Rita scared, so she kept trying to break the door down.   

Tom had just paid the worker, he then heard his wife screamed, he quickly drop what he was doing and ran up the steps to Nick's room.   "Honey what's wrong?" he asked as he walked into the room.    "Nick is not answering, and he's locked the door.  Help me get it open." said Rita   "Move out of the way!" said Tom as he kicked the door so hard that the door flew open.  Nick was bent over in the toilet with his head face first in the water.  Rita quickly grabbed her son and help him breathe with CPR.   "What that hell just happen?'asked Tom as  Nick started to come through.  "Honey, something is going on here.  The Officer told me something strange." said Rita   "Look let's take him to our room.  Should we call the Doctor?'asked Tom as he picked up his son and place him on his bed.   "No, he'll be fine," said Rita as she noticed that Nicks was coming through.  

"Hey, sweetie what happened?  You almost drown in there." said Rita  Nick was so afraid, "Mom, I don't remember." he said     "So what was it that the Officer told you?'asked Tom  Now the spirit was on the ceiling looking down at all three of them.  Nick was more frightened by the minute, he shook his head no.  He wanted his mom to stop talking.  "Hey, what's wrong.  You look so scared," said Rita   Nick curled up in a ball and while his head laid on Rita's lap.   "Honey, we'll talk about it later, right now let's just all watch a good movie.  That might claim Nick down.   Something is bothering him, and right now he's in no condition to talk" said Rita    Then Tom took and put a cartoon movie on as they both sat on the bed glancing at Nick every now and then.

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