Andy - It Begins

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You know sometimes bad things happen to good people. I've never believed in demons or in ghost. But then life opened my eyes. It all started five months ago. My mother's grandmom passed away. She left my mother her property. Well, the property was not close at all. She was a very controlling person. I really never like to visit her. Her face was too creepy for me. I also believe something was wrong with that lady.

Grandmom left a very long Will, which it didn't surprise me, she was now trying to control the world even after death. But mom didn't see it that way.

It was the beginning of June when my grandmom passed away. I was just finishing the six grade. Mom figure, that since I've already passed all my class, the last two weeks of school wouldn't make a difference. So she got the transfer paper she needed and within two days we were on a plane heading to Montana.

We move to Montana, why I didn't understand. I didn't want to move. The control freak stated on the Will that we must live in the property for at least two years, to receive the other part of the inheritance. Why my mother agreed, she only knows.

We arrived in Montana at about six in the evening that day. As we got out of the plane there was an old fashion limousine waiting for us. "Wow! what a car" That limo was all white with leather interior. I jumped in the back the moment the driver open the door. Mom and Dad follow my lead. After half an hour we finally arrived at this old Victorian House. If was all white, it has always been white, for as long as I can remember.

The driver who went by the name of David opened up the front door then handed the keys to my mother. She put them in her purse and into the house we went. Rita, that was my mother name and I'm Nick, short for Nicholas. Rita and my father Tom were amazed at how beautiful and clean the property was being kept. We all walked around the house and when we went upstairs we picked our bedrooms. Mom and Dad picked my late Grandmom's room. It was beautiful and very large. I found a room down the hall. It looked like a young boys room. But everything in it looked untouched.

When my mother saw the room I have chosen, she didn't agree with my pick. "Nick, there are about six more bedrooms. Wouldn't you like to choose one of those?" she asked "No, mother. I like this one. It's designed for a boy. All the other rooms, look all girly girl. I'm not a girl."I said kind of upset. What boy wants to sleep in a room filled with dolls and flowers. You can't get any girlier than that.

"There must be one that looks like a boy room. Why don't you check first?" asked my mom
"No! I want this one."I said "Fine, just let me remove a couple of things."She said as he went into one of the drawers and took out a briefcase.

"Mom, what is that?"I asked as I tried to take it out of her hands. She quickly moved it away from me, making sure I didn't see. "This is not for you to see nor read. You wanted this room. Start putting your things away." she said as she handed me my suitcase. I've felt that what my mother did very strange. I started to put things away, but that briefcase didn't leave my mind for one second. I had to see what was in there. I put the things down and quickly ran to see where my mother was going to hide the briefcase. But when I got to her bedroom I was too late she had already put it away. She saw me standing in the hallway, "Yes, Nick, what do you want now?" she asked "Nothing mom."I said as I went back to my room.

I've finally put all my clothes away. I went to put the suitcase under the bed when I noticed something. It was a very old matchbox car. If was a black old fashion car. It was in mint condition. It was a very sweet looking ride and of course, it was now mine. I picked up the car and placed it next to my other cars, which I put on my nightstand. I loved playing with them when I wasn't able to sleep.

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