“And you , sir ?” She asked , but John shook his head .

“I'm not flying” He told her casually , and she nodded her head , then gestured for us to make way for the next customer .

“What now ?” I asked John .

“We go check your luggage in , the find the rest of them .”

Once we checked in my luggage , we were free to wander around the airport until my flight was boarding . John brought me to McDonald's , and I picked out some pancakes for breakfast .

“The others have just arrived “ John said , after checking his phone . “We'll meet them by the escalators in ten minutes .

I nodded , finishing my food .

“I hate airports” I admitted , “Well , actually , I just hate going through security . I always feel as if they're going to arrest me .”

John laughed .” Sure , don't we all” He agreed , then suddenly waved .

“There they are” He said .

Sam , Charles and Mary stood by the escalators waiting for us .

“Hazel !” Charles said , running towards me , Sam quickly following .

“Hi , Charles , Sam “ I said , hugging them both .

“Hey Hazel !” Sam said , “I missed you , in the two days I didn't see you !”

“Alright , everyone “ Mary said firmly . She looked at John . “Have you talked to Joey ?”

John nodded , looking scared . “He's on his way now , with Pommie .”

Joey must be Mr. Smith I thought . Pommie's social worker .

Mary nodded . “Okay . The only need one adult to look after them , so if you want John , you can leave now .”

John nodded .

“Bye Hazel” he said , hugging me .”Good luck . Here's my number , if you ever need to call .”

He handed me his card and I pocketed it silently .

“Thanks” I said quietly , hugging him back .

Then he left .

Pommie arrived shortly after . Mr Smith was dismissed by Mary like John , so he left too . We wandered around the airport until it was time for us to board our plane .

“Flight 1030 to Maryland , will be boarding shortly “ The voice from the speakers said . We looked at each other .

“That's you “ Mary said , “Let's get through security quickly .”

Since Mary wasn't getting on the pane , she wasn't allowed through security , so she dropped us of there with directions on what to do next .

“Go straight to the gate” She told us , “The gate number is on your ticket . Whatever you do , don't lose your ticket , or your passport . Once your at the gate , they'll tell you when they're ready for you to board and you can start queuing up . The lady at the desk will check your flight ticket and passport , then you'll go through onto the plane . There will be flight assistants on the plane to show you where your seats are .”

“Okay , okay” Charles said , laughing , “We got it .”

Mary hugged both Sam and Charles , and shook hands with Pommie and me .

We're The Back Pocket Believers (All Time Low Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora