Nico's Great Day

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7 year old Nico felt his palms sweating. His big costume was itching. It was almost his turn to go on stage. He didn't want to. Nobody he knew was in the crowd. What was the point?

But he was pushed onto the stage. He blinked in the bright light. Everybody seemed to be staring at him. Why? Oh yeah, he had a line. Nico looked around the room, trying to remember. His gaze fell on a familiar face in the second row, Bianca. They locked eyes, and she gave him a thumbs up. Nico flashed one back at her.

Now, he was filled with confidence. He knew his part! Nico happily recited every line perfectly.

After the play, Nico had changed out of his costume and met with Bianca.

"Nico!" she said "You were the star of the show!" Nico laughed with delight  as he jumped into her open arms. "I think you deserve a treat."

Happily, they went to the nearby drugstore and picked out two juicy oranges.

"Special day?" asked the cashier.

"I was in a play!" Nico said proudly.

The man raised his eyebrows. "No way! I love plays. Listen," he leaned down and pulled two peppermint sticks out from under the counter. "Don't tell anyone I gave these to you. Share with your sister and have a great day!"

"Thank you so much, sir." Bianca said, taking the four items and leaving the store with Nico.

And together they sat at the pond, slowly sucking on their peppermint sticks and eating their oranges.

"'Anca," Nico said when they started to leave. "Today was fun."

Bianca smiled at Nico. "Yes," she said, "Yes, it was."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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