4|The boy's Frustration or Heart break

Start from the beginning

"I'm her...boyfriend" Kaneki quickly hanged up the phone before the woman replied. He can't believe what he said earlier, all he knew that it felt right to say it even though their not official


It still felt right.

He hastily ran to the hospital were Yuna Yoshikawa was confined.

Entering the lobby with a serious expression on his face. He marches to the directory and asks politely at to the nurse.
While the nurse on the other hand was talking with someone on the phone completely ignoring him.

"Miss what room is Yuna Yoshikawa in?"He asked again, Kaneki was a bit irritated by the nurse what was acting. Still the nurse utterly disregards Kaneki, who was now turning red in annoyance. 

"Miss.." He began to say, the woman disregarded him. 'What has the world been coming too?' He couldn't be afraid now, Yuna need someone to help her get back up life again. 'She didn't have any contacts only you'

The other nurse's sentence rung in his head.

He dug deep and piped out the most loudest words he could muster.

"W-What room is Yoshikawa Yuna in?!" Well, he did ask. The outcome was a small squeak. Oh, was it awkward. To the staff and patients there. His most powerful voice, and everybody could hear.

She let go of the telephone and placed it to the side. 'finally...at least she listened'

The nurse angrily typed in Yuna's last name almost like a beyotch manner,

"Room 210 in the 21st floor, are you happy now?" Stating out the room number and continued to talk with the caller on the phone.

"Thank you..." he said calmly before running up the elevator, getting inside before it closes.

What has gotten into me? Kaneki asked himself as he tried to figure out what had caused his sudden out burst. Was it because he was worried for Yuna that she is the only one he should think about or what.

He pressed the 21st number from the elevator. And silently waited as reached her floor. Thoughts floated above his head.

I hope she's alright

Will she be fine after the accident what will I do?

Will she have amnesia and forget me?

Kaneki was making scenarios in his mind as he knocked the room 210.

"Come in" there was a small voice on the other side of the door. Kaneki hesitated on opening the door

What if she doesn't like me anymore? Said a voice from his head.

"Get a hold of yourself! Yuna was in an accident and you worry about yourself! Don't be selfish!" Another voice boomed inside his head.

"Don't be a coward." He told himself as he pushed aside his uneasiness and opened the door. A small figure was standing by the open window her short brown hair danced into the mid winter breeze.

"Yuna?" He asked with caution, for some reason. He felt like something was different about her.

Slowly she turned to face the young raven haired boy.
Her once electric blue eyes were now like a dead fish with no emotion whatsoever. The color of her brown and curly shoulder length hair was somehow fading into a shade of black. The fair complexion she once had, has now become faded.

Kaneki felt quick pang in his heart. How could he not know this. He felt sorry for himself, he felt like a jerk, he felt like cruel person for not knowing this. He was lying on his bed that time, while Yuna lay in a dark place bleeding to death.

"Hey.. Kaneki" Yuna was now in front of Kaneki waving her hand at him. Kaneki regained his footing in the ground after all his head was in the clouds

"Sorry Yuna, I didn't know you got caught in accident..." Kaneki looking down to his feet.

Yuna held Kaneki's chin making him look at the young girl "It's alright Ken...I'm fine now" she smiled cheerfully at him.

And that pained Kaneki even more, she was holding herself together for him. Not making him worry more. After they that they talked for a couple of hours. Visiting hour come to an end, it time for Kaneki to withdraw.

"I'll be discharged next week, so I'll see you at your apartment."
Yuna reminded before Kaneki went out the room

"I'll see you there." He sadly said, as he waved goodbye to the girl, now lying on her bed. As soon as Kaneki left. A young female nurse entered the room bringing her lunch.

"Hi" The nurse's usual grin shown to Yuna like any other patient she served. "She isn't that special is she now?"

The female red headed nurse with a clip to her bangs thought, and judged her immediately under that closed eyed grin a element of sin surfaced from the nurse's heart.


"She's just a patient, that got stupid enough to get attacked by a ghoul, that's it nothing more, but why does she get special treatment?" The woman places the tray near the bedside table.

"Well, lucky for her she's been treated by an excellent doctor"

If you are a TG manga reader

You will understand the nurse more..can't you recall her?

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