Chapter 38

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Harry’s PoV

We are waiting in the front area room place. Louis is pacing back and forth biting his nails. He needs to calm down. There are guards in the room with her so nothing will happen. I just don’t think Louis understands that. I want to tell him to calm down, but I don’t want Louis snapping at me. That would be very bad. Louis has been freaking out about Alex going to the jail since we found out she had to go. Well, newsflash, Lou, we are all nervous and worried. He just doesn’t understand that none us want her to go, but she had to so here we are.

“Lou—” I begin, but he harshly cuts me off.

“Not now, Harry.”

“She will be fine!” I exclaim.

“But what if she isn’t?” He screams.

“Calm down,” I hiss. Louis crosses his arms. “She should be done soon so when she is—”

Before I can even finish that sentence, Alex comes storming out of the room. “That was fast,” Louis comments.

“Can we go now,” Alex snaps. Moody much? Alex glares at me. Shit, did I say that out loud? I hope not. That would be bad.

“Y-yeah, h-how’d it go?” Louis asks shakily. Smooth Lou.

“Fine,” she turns and walks towards the car.

“Anything happen?” I ask as we follow her.

“Well, my best friend’s dad is Collins. Other than that, nothing important,” Alex says through her gritted teeth.

“Wait, what?” Louis exclaims coming to a complete stop.

“You heard me,” Alex mumbles as she keeps walking.

“Alexandra, get back here!” Louis orders.

“You’re not the boss of me,” Alex snaps.

“Legally, I am,” Louis narrows his eyes at her. I stand awkwardly by.

“Maybe legally, but other than that you aren’t. I never had to listen to anything you tell me. I did it because I thought that you all could help me, but now I am in a bigger hole than before. I am pregnant at the age fifteen, I was kidnapped and my best friend had raped me, My other best friend’s dad was the guy who killed me, Austin is not the same as he was before and quite frankly, I liked him better before, you all can’t even look at me without having sympathy in your eyes. I hate it!” Alex screeches. “I just want a normal life; it’s all I ever wanted! I never get anything I want though. I have come to realize this. Every time things go back to normal, something catastrophic happens! Like I get kidnapped or I am pregnant. I wonder what you all think of my life. I really do wonder. Do you even still want me in your fake, set up family? Did you even want me in your stupid family to begin with?”

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