Chapter 2

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Louis's PoV

I drag Alexandra into the mall. She can not want to go to the mall, but she is still going. The boys follow behind. "So where do you want to go first, Alex?" I ask as we stand in front of the map of the mall. She gives me a funny look when I call her Alex. "I am calling you Alex now," I tell her. She smiles. I grab her hand and swing it back and forth. Alex is such a cool kid even if she doesn't talk to us. She is very pretty with her blonde hair and blue eyes. I am so happy that it is finally summer.

Alex studies the map. She points to Macy's. We walk down to the other side of the mall. Niall takes Alex's other hand and swings it back and forth. We walk up to the junior section and Alex looks at the cloths. I know she doesn't know what to get.

"How about you go into the dressing room, and we give you clothes to try on," I suggest. Alex nods.

She lets go of my hand and walks into the dressing room. I know Alex likes me better than the rest of the band, but I don't know why. Don't get me wrong, I am one hundred percent okay with being the favorite. We all grab a few sets of clothes and throw them over the top of the dressing room. Alex comes out first with a white tank top and hot pink shorts on. She does a spin for us, and we give her a thumbs up. It is weird to shop for a fourteen year old girl. Many outfits later, Alex comes out with a teal stripped shirt and teal pants with a yellow belt, my pick. I smile. She looks adorable.

"We're buying that for you," I tell her. Alex's face lights up. After Alex tries on what seems like a thousand more outfits, mostly because we kept giving her outfits, we check out and head back to the house. We all have to carry clothes into the house to avoid making two trips because two trips is for babies.

We watch a movie on the couch. Alex sits next to me. Harry chose the Blindside. We all sit and watch the movie. Halfway through, I notice tears running down Alex's face. She sees me looking at her, and Alex jumps over the back of the couch and sprints up to her room. I chase after her. Alex shuts her door. I slowly open the door. Alex is lying on her bed staring at the ceiling with her hands over her eyes. I sit on her bed and pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her.

"It's okay, Alex bear," I coo her. Alex gives me a funny look. "Alex just didn't cut it," I say smiling at her. Alex gives me the first real smile I have seen out of her. I use my thumb to wipe tears from under her eyes. Alex wraps me in a hug, squeezing me as hard as she can. I rub her back. The boys burst into the room.

"Are you okay?" Zayn and Liam ask at the same time. "Jinks," they scream again. Liam and Zayn start laughing.

Harry sits at the edge of the bed. "Are you okay, love?" He asks sweetly. The other boys sit around Alex. She smiles and wraps us all in a hug. We hug her back immediately. I see her lips mouth 'I love you guys' as she smiles. I want to jump for joy.

(Niall's PoV)

Alex is the cutest fourteen year old I think I have seen. The funny part is she doesn't act like a normally teenager. She might not talk a lot, but I still feel like she is lively in our conversations because she uses facial expressions a lot. You can tell Alex like Louis a lot more than she likes the rest of us. Louis is usually goofy and acts irresponsibly, but when Alex is around he suddenly goes into mature mode.

Alex likes to read. She reads a lot when we aren't with her. I'm not sure where she gets the books from, but I suspect Liam gets them for her because Liam has been going in as out of her room a lot even though he doesn't stay in there for long.

Zayn and Harry aren't as connected to Alex like Liam, Louis, and I are, but they still enjoy her like the rest of us.

"Hey Alex," I yell to her from in the kitchen. Alex turns around and looks at me. She has been here for a couple weeks now. We has all turned Alex into our little sister, and she has often used to answering to Alex. The boys and I decided Ally was a very Girly name so we wanted to go with Alex because we feel it suits her better. "What do you want for lunch?"

Alex stands and walks over to the counter I am leaning against. She looks at the selections I put on the counter. She points to the box of macaroni and cheese.That is another thing I have learned about Alex. She loves macaroni and cheese.

"I should have seen that one coming," I say smiling. Alex grins. She has a book in her hand called Legend. I lift it and read the back of the book. It is about a boy named Day and a girl named June. It says that their is romance in it. "Romance?" I ask. Alex tilts her head back and forth. I don't seen why she doesn't talk to us. I know she trusts us. "That's gross," I say making face at her. Alex mocks my face and smiles. I wish she would laugh because I bet Alex has a cute laugh.

I finish making the macaroni and make a bowl for Alex. She eats it extremely fast. This makes me smile because I love food and so does Alex. Alex and I finish the macaroni off quickly. We make sandwiches and eat them quickly too.

"I'm still hungry," I joke. Alex rolls her eyes and walks off. This makes me smile.

(Liam's PoV)

I set a book on Alex's desk. She goes through books like Niall goes through food. I don't mind getting her books though. It gives Alex and me something that the other boys don't have. Alex doesn't look up from her book when I walk in. This makes me smile. Alex probably didn't even realize I came in. I head back downstairs to where the boys are. They are watching TV and chatting. I sit down next to Louis.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"We don't know what to do for Alex's birthday," Zayn says.

"When is that exactly?" I ask. I know it is in like a week or so.

"June 16," Louis tells me. "She will be fifteen. Fifteen!" He exclaims.

"I feel like we have known her for such a long time that she is so little," Harry says looking a bit sad.

I sigh. "So any ideas?" I ask.

"We could write a song for her," Harry suggests.

"That is an awesome idea!" Louis yells. "We could perform it in concert for her!"

"Do you think we have enough time to set it up?" I ask.

Louis shrugs. "No harm in trying."

"I'll call Simon," Niall says.

"Now we just have to write the song," Harry says. He thinks.

"We will have to do that when Alex isn't in the house," Zayn says. We could have Simon talk her birthday shopping or something, but Alex has only met Simon once and that didn't go so well. Alex was uncomfortable and hid in Louis's shirt the whole time. This is going to be a lot harder than we think.  


This is a short chapter. I am sorry. I will try and make the next one longer!



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