Chapter 24

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Louis's PoV

Relieved. The only word to explain how I feel. Sure, other words explain it, like happy or overjoyed, but relieved explains my nerves. I keep thanking The Lord Almighty for bring Alex back to us. We were complete wrecks when we didn't have her with us. I don't ever want to lose our baby ever again. I wrap my arms around her shoulder and hold her tight like she might disappear.

"Don't kill my, Lou," Alex sniggers sleepily.

"I'm sorry," I blush. I retract my arms.

Alex laughs sleepily and sits up slightly. "Mmm, tired," she mumbles.

"Then sleep," I laugh.

"But I'm already awake," she whines.

I chuckle and wrap an arm around her shoulder. Alex snuggles up to me and falls back asleep. I smile and rest my head on top of hers. I smile at how much she looks like Austin.

Alex doesn't know, but I know

Austin and Alex are twins. I knew it all along, but I didn't know the his twin sister was our Alex, if that makes sense. I never connected the dots until Alex told us she had a two brother. Everything fell into place after that.

I replay what happened while Alex was in the hospital. I walked outside and saw Austin sitting on the wall of a small garden out front. I sat down beside him, but Austin didn't acknowledge my presence.

"She's going to be alright," I told him.

Austin shook his head. "This is all my fault. I didn't look out for her like I promised," Austin had a few tears running down his face.

I rubbed circles in his back. "If this is anyone's fault, it's mine. I'm one fifth her legal guardian, and she was kidnapped on my watch," I said.

Austin started to sob. "Buddy," I cooed.

"I can't even take care of my own sister. She needed me, and I wasn't there to help her," Austin's shoulders were shaking uncontrollably while tears streamed down his face like a river. He looked so young, not like he was fifteen. I opened my mouth to speak, but Austin had cut me off. "Don't even try to make me feel better, Louis. I'm a horrible brother!"

"Austin!" I snapped, fed up with his pathetic nature. "You did nothing wrong! You can't blame everything on yourself. If it will make you feel better then you can come talk to her," I told him.

"Just give her this," Austin handed a folded up piece of paper and stood up, leaving with out another word.

I glance over the lads. Most are asleep. Harry and Niall are curled up next to Alex and me. Zayn has his head rested against Liam's shoulder with his mouth hung slightly open. Liam is texting someone on his phone. Probably Danielle because he has this big, silly grin on his face.

I glance down at Alex and sigh. I hope she is going to see Austin today since it has been three days since she has gotten the note. I have a feeling she will, but I don't think she will tell us about leaving because one of the lads won't let her go, especially Liam. I know she will be fine because I trust Austin, and he is her twin brother.

"Everything alright, Lou?" Liam asks, peeking up from his phone.

I nod and fake a smile. I'm actually terrified of what might happen between the two. I know they love each other, but it's been three years since they've really talked. Plus, we don't know if Alex will even talk much at all. She really hasn't been, but she has kind of been. It an on and off kind of thing.

The car pulls up to the house. I sigh and lift Alex out of the car. This is has been such a stressful time, and not to mention what the media will think of this. No one knows what is really going on, but they know something happened to Alex. I really don't want to check twitter or any social media for that matter because I'm afraid of what people will say. The first day, I did check it. There were the comments saying they're so sad and whatnot, and then there are the mean ones talking about how we are better off with Alex and other awful things.

"I can walk, Lou," Alex mumbles sleepily.

"But you're practically asleep. Not a good idea," I chuckle.

"Mmm, okay," she gives in easily, falling back asleep. I chuckle loudly and bring her inside. I walk her upstairs and lie her on her bed. Alex lets out a small sigh and cuddles up with her giant teddy bear which she might as well rename. Jacob probably isn't a a name she likes anymore. I can see the note that Austin gave her sticking out of Alex's pocket.

I smile as head down at the adorable little girl below me. I walk out of the room and downstairs. I did make sure to check that her windows were locked. Still a bit paranoid I might add. I head down to the kitchen where the rest off the lads are.

"Ahh! Louis! Perfect timing," Liam smiles brighter than he has in days.

"What's up?" I ask.

"We just need to discuss Alex," Liam says. "The doctor gave me specific orders about her. Alex has some very weak bones and bad bruises so she is not allowed to lift anything heavy at all, and she might need standing up from the couch, chairs, ect. Her left arm especially is week so we need to watch that. I also got her a new brace for her left arm so we need to put that back on her.

Alex is also probably traumatized so we need to be careful and not flail our arms near her or at all because she might think she's about to be hit or something. No yelling at her or others. No loud noise. No scaring or startling her. These can all cause an episodic which we seriously don't want.

Alex also has medication to make her bones stronger and for her to overall heal faster. She needs to take these when she wakes up and goes to bed. Alex shouldn't really be left alone much, that exception being sleeping, but she will most likely have nightmares which is a reason for her not to be left alone at all. I propose that we switch off spending the night with her, but we will see how tonight goes just incase she doesn't have nightmares. I suspect she will though."

"Speaking of Alex," Zayn cuts in. "Where is she?"

"She's uhh sleeping upstairs," I tell them.

"We should give her the pills then. It's almost dark anyway," Liam says. We all head upstairs. We slowly open Alex's door and head inside.

My jaw drops when I don't see Alex in bed. I see a note on her desk. I feel tears blurring my eyes. Where is she. I rush over to her desk and pick up the note. The rest of the lads safe speechless. The note reads:

'Dear lads,

I have not been kidnapped again. In fact, I left. I'm not leaving forever so trust me when I say I will be back soon. Don't worry about me. I will be fine, and when I get back I'll explain everything. I swear.


I sigh frustratedly. She shouldn't be climbing or anything. I see an open window. I presume she went down the vines. I look down at her desk and see another paper. The lads read over the paper. I see the note Austin told me to give to Alex. I smile. She went to see Austin. All my worries fade away. I know she will be okay. She made the right choice.


I'm going to keep this short!

Sorry for the late update

School has been rough and is why I've been updating less

I love you all! Thank you for 8k reads and over 200 votes! Keep it up!

I hope you don't think things are about to calm down because you are soooooooooooo wrong!:)))

I love you guys so much and all my supporters!!! I'm doing this for you guys:)

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Hey! I brought Austin back didn't i?! He will be showing up more now so if you read this you will be excited!!!!

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