Chapter 32

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Double update! you are welcome sorry that it is short!

Austin in the side! i had a better looking austin, but i cant find it anymore:(


Alex’s PoV

I’ve been stuck staring at the ceiling all day. I don’t know what to do. I am not ready to have a baby, but it’s not like I can get an abortion. I can’t, that isn’t fair. I can’t put the child up for adoption. It will be too hard, but I need to do what is best for this child. I know everyone will support me in my decision, but I keep getting flashes of what might happen. Everyone will hate me and be disgusted with me. Not just fans and whatnot, but Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn. What if they think I am a whore? I can’t bear that. I will not know what to do with myself. I can cope with other people not liking me because a lot of people don’t like me already so they don’t matter, who matters is the lads.

I want to have one normal day, but that will never happen now. I will just have to adapt to what will happen from now on. This will become my normal. I have to be strong and do what is right. I have to tell the lads. I don’t know if they already know. I don’t know if Eleanor or Perrie or Danielle have told them. Heck, I don’t know if Austin has told them. I don’t even care at this point. Okay, I do care, but I’d rather have someone else tell them.

So back to what I am doing, I have locked myself in my room. I don’t want to see the world. I can hear my phone go off every now and then, probably Addison. Louis or Niall or Harry or Zayn or Liam or Eleanor will knock on my door begging me to open it. Danielle and Perrie even came by and begged for forgiveness, but I just ignored them. I don’t want to deal with any problems right now. I lay here just feeling numb. I don’t want see anyone. They will just try to comfort me, and the lads will do it without knowing the problem. Then, they will ask me what the real problem is, and I don’t want to tell them…yet.

I watch the fan spin around in circles, focusing on one blade. I let out a long sigh. I am really bored. I wish I knew where my phone was. I really want to listen to music and be all dramatic like everyone else seems to be able to do. I have just been crying my eyes out. I think I might totally be out of tears, not even kidding. I cry so much. I wonder what other people think about that. I find a reason to cry in almost every situation. I don’t know how I didn’t realize I haven’t had my period for a whole week! That is just lazy on my part. I guess it has been busy these past few weeks. It is still lazy and irresponsible. I am usually on top of that sort of thing so I know when I will be very emotional for a week, give or take a few days.

I start to feel really out of it. I crawl under my covers and pull the blankets up to my nose. I need to sleep. I have cried so much, and I feel emotionally drained. I try and keep my eyes open, but they fall closed. A good sleep wouldn’t do me any harm.

Zayn’s PoV

“Why is Alex locked up in her room?” Harry wonders out loud.

The girls shrug. “What did you do to her? Did you torture her by making her shop?” Liam jokes.

“Please, Alex likes shopping now,” Louis snickers. I laugh and roll my eyes. I can see the girls exchange looks.

“What?” I ask.

They all shake their heads. “I’ll be right back,” I kiss Perrie’s cheek. I should at least go check on Alex. God knows what she is doing up there. I sneak up the steps. Liam has been lecturing us, saying that Alex is probably in one of her moods and that we should leave her alone. I still want to check on her. We don’t even know what is wrong with Alex. I want t know because, believe it or not, I love her. She is the perfect child/sister in my eyes. I may not be the closest to her, but I still really care about her.

I knock lightly on her door. No answer. I run my hand across the top of her doorframe and grab the key. I don’t know why no one did this early. I unlock her door and put the key back. I walk into her room and see that her room is pretty dark. Alex is curled up in a ball on her bed. I walk up to her and kiss her head. Her bathroom light is the only light on. I walk in and look around before reaching to turn off the light. I see something that catches my eye before I manage to turn off the light. I glance at the counter. What the actual fuck?!

I swipe one of them off the counter and walk over to Alex’s bed. I shake her vigorously. She mumbles something that is incoherent. I shake her again. “Alex!” I shout.

“What?” she asks loudly before sitting up.

“I think we need to talk,” I say and hold up the pregnancy test. Her eyes widen in fear. She better have a good explanation for this, or all hell is going to break loose. 


so I would like to think i am a helping type of person so if you every are having problems and need to talk to someone who WONT JUDGE you, i'd like to think i could be that person!

you can message me or kik me at   bellaboo28

love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Double update!;)



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