Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

(Alex's PoV) 

Three months have come and gone. The summer ended faster than you could say oh come on. I want to go back to the summer because we had so many good times. Louis and Liam are like my older brothers now. I don't feel like they are my guardians but my older brothers.

I sit at the table and eat pancakes. They are delicious. "Alex," Liam sings.

"What?" I sing back with a mouthful of food.

Liam pretends to gag. "We have news," he says singing. "Okay we are done with that," he announces.

"What's your news?" I ask.

Liam looks at Louis. Louis sighs. "You have to go to school," he says.

I stand immediately. "No," I say.

"It's the law," Louis argues.

"I don't want to though," I whine.

"To bad," Liam says. I mock him. I decide to go silent of them.

"Oh come on, Alex. It won't be that bad," Louis assures me. I stare at my lap and say nothing. "You are not pulling that on me."

"But I don't wanna," I whine. Liam shakes his head. I stick my tongue out at him. I may be okay around them, but I go silent around other people.

"School stars tomorrow," Liam tells me. He looks like he feels kind of bad for me, but that doesn't mean it makes it okay. I seriously do not want to go to school. At the orphanage, they had their own little school there so I still went to classes and things like that, but they didn't make me say anything. Going to an actual school will mean I will have to participate and things like that.

I walk up to my room. There is no way I am going to survive an actual high school. I am going to breakdown before I even get through a week.

(Liam's PoV) 

Alex walks upstairs frustrated. I can't help feeling bad for her. It took her three week to become so comfortable around us to talk, and I can only imagine how it will be at school. She isn't going to talk to anyone even though everyone will most likely already know who she is. I already know how everyone will act. They either will pretend to be her friend or hate her guts. I just hope there is a group in the middle that will actually try to be her real friends.

"I feel kind of bad for her," I say to Louis.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because she will have trouble making friends," I explain. "She can barely talk to us as it is."

"She will be fine," Louis assures me. "I have a good feeling about it."

"I hope so," I mutter.

(Alex's PoV) 

I start school today, and I am scared. I am horrible at making friends. The boys have to know how nervous I am because I won't talk to them. Liam and Niall try desperately to get me to talk before they drop me off, but I won't budge. I am just too nervous and antsy to think about talking. I put on purple jean shorts and a white T-shirt. I am so nervous. I wear my hair down because I will mess it up if I try to put my hair in a pony with shaky hands. My hair is naturally curly, but it isn't too curly.

I walk downstairs carefully. My knees are shaking. I felt this way when the boys first adopted me. I sit at the table. A plate of pancakes is set in front on me. I look up, and Niall smiles down at me. I give him a half smile and look down at my plate. I shouldn't let these perfectly good pancakes go to waste so I guess I should eat them. Who am I kidding? I am starving and being nervous makes me hungry.

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