My Prince Has Come part 7

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        Liz was sat at her window, and stared at the swaying trees as they go bald. The door bell rand and she answered the door. The Prince was kneeling down holding a rose. "You're the first one to come through a door," Liz said pulling him to his feet, then letting him inside. "Hello, Elizabeth. You look ravishing," Edward said kissing her cheek gently. "Would you like to come with me. I want to show you my home where you can see how the kingdom is managed. I thought that would interest you," Edward said. Liz said she wanted to change. She went into her room. What is the girl equivalent to a suit, Liz thought.
Liz looked in her closet to find a pain black dress that was tight around the waist and was a little short. She squeezed herself into the dress. Liz peeked in the mirror. "Wow, I look pretty good in this dress," Liz said quietly to herself. Just then slip on, knee high, charcoal boots fell out of her closet. She slipped on the outfit and slowly descended down the staircase. Edward's mouth hung open and his face turned rosy as his eyes fell on her. " Elizabeth," he said in aw, " You look..." She had turned her hair up into a bun with bangs hanging near her eyes. The prince walked closer and softly brushed her bangs out of her face and got even closer. Liz's face mimicked a radish as he wrapped his arms around her lower waist. Her face was beyond what ever shade of red was humanimally possible.He pecked her forehead. Then her cheek. And just before her could go any lower she pulled away saying, " So I guess I look okay?" Edward looked away, ashamed of what he was doing, especially if it made Elizabeth uncomfortable.  "Pardon my behavior, m'lady," he said softly. "Oh, who could resist," Liz said playfully. They simultaneously let out a small laugh. The prince held out his arm, gesturing Liz to take it. She did so and they left the house and walked out the front door. 

         The slight frost in the air brushed their cheeks as they walked up the road. "So, what's your house like?" Liz said, looking up into his green eyes. "You"ll see, princess," he replied, putting his arm around her shoulder. The weather got worse, and soon, hail was whipping across the sky. They took shelter in a run-down convenient store. Elizabeth put her hand on the cold glass, staring into the hail storm while Edward called his driver to pick them up and take them to the mansion. All of the sudden, Liz's phone rang out the song Latters and she answered to hear a loud, shaky voice screaming on the phone. "Where are you? I came home from work just before the storm to find that you are nowhere in this freaking house!" the voice yelled into the phone. "...Mom?..." Liz said in a confused voice. "Who do you think, dummy!" Ms. Panchum yelled. Liz's heart began to beat faster. "So... I went out with a friend and now we're trapped in 7 Eleven," Liz said hesitantly. Edward stood behind her with his bangs in front of his eyes. The word, friend, pierced his heart like a blade. "Mom, we are just going to wait it out here. Don't worry, I'm safe," Liz said calmly into the phone. She ended the call and slid the phone back into her pocket and turned around to talk to Edward. "So, that's all we are? Friends?" he said in a monotone voice. She laughed, "You know I had to say that or she would have just yelled at me more." Edward put his chin between his thumb and fore finger, "So we're more than friends." Liz shrugged. She walked to the counter and bought a large icy with two straws and walked back; she took Edward's hand and lead him to a small table by the window. "Why are you guys so obsessed with me?" Liz asked with the straw against her lip. Edward's floppy ears straightened quickly and he looked away, "What do you mean obsessed?"  Liz looked at the storm ragging on, "Like how all of you have come to my house and spent this emotional adventure with me like we're in some sappy love novel. And you're the only one that's come through my door. James has even seen me with a wet shirt." Edward slammed his hands on the table, "He WHAT!" Liz rolled her eyes and placed a hand on his arm, " Calm down, Eddy." Edward's skin got hot as he pulled away just enough to make her hold his hand. Liz blushed, but she didn't let go or pull away. Edward leaned closer until their lips were an inch apart. Liz closed her eyes. "I'm terribly sorry that you got trapped in the store like this!" The store manger, Elilta, yelled, killing the mood. "Lizzy! Hey. I haven't seen you in forever!" Elilta said as she pulled up a chair and sat between the two, forcing Edward to scoot away. "Um, Elilta? We were kind of... busy," Liz said with a small grin. "What about our motto? Besties before testies!" Elilta wined. "Elilta, I was four," Liz said. Edward stood up and brushed off his jacket. 

        The storm faded, and the sun began to set. "I guess I should go home," Liz said with a small sigh. "Let me walk you home. I'm sorry I got you trapped here," Edward said in a disappointed tone. They stepped outside and headed down the road. Edward noticed Liz rubbing her hands together trying to warm them; he grabbed her hand and put both his and her hand in his pocket. Liz rested her other hand on the inside of his elbow. No words needed to be spoken as the walked two blocks and to her door. "Again, I'm sorry today didn't go as planned, and I'm sorry your dress got soaked," Edward apologized as he let go of her hand. "It's okay, Eddy," she said. Liz turned around to face the door, but she paused for a moment. Liz quickly spun around, kisses his cheek, and ran into her house. She stood with her back against the door contemplating what she just did. Well, that just happened, she thought.

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