Holy shiz its been a while A/N

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Hello my dear readers, 

Before I open any notifications asking about what happened and if I died I want to say that I will hopefully be updating sometime this month and will probably being doing a Halloween special.

Also I might talk about some triggering stuff so yeah.

So last month around the 13th my friend and I got into a fight, I won't go into detail with that but I will say that it didn't end well and now "him" and I don't speak anymore. He said some hurtful things and so did I none of which were justified. We started arguing really bad to the point where he made me feel so shitty about myself that I asked her not to talk to me anymore and he TOLD me to not sit with him or talk to him at all in the one class we had together, so I didn't. Now let me be clear, this friend and I have been friends since I moved here 2 years ago and they came out to me the summer that I did as trans and so I said I would keep his secret and that had some play into this fight but again I'm not going into detail about what the fight was about. Anyway, so then the day that I didn't sit with him he decided to go and tell my other friend all of our personal business and that was a huge douche move. So this other friend decides to text me and bash me with questions and that was really unfair and made me feel backed into a corner. Then my friend who I was originally fighting with texts me and says she never wants to see me again.

This hurt me sooooooo bad I said back, "consider it done." I was dumb and in the heat of the moment and posted on Instagram that I was going to kill myself. I didn't have a plan and I didn't really want to but I really didn't want attention. HUGE MISTAKE. I posted it in several places too, snapchat, kik. Not really several but you know what I mean. So then I took it down literally 10-15 minutes later realizing it was dumb but shit was I too late. Mom was calling me and wouldn't get off the phone until she was home and i fell asleep which made her super worried and when she got home she got a call and it was....the police. THE GOD DAMN POLICE WERE INVOLVED NOW! WAY TO GO LILLIE! To shorten things up, the police came, we went to the ER, I stayed over night, the next morning I was sent to a mental hospital, I was there from the 14th of September to the 23rd, while I was there they diagnosed me with severe depression, severe social and regular anxiety,  PTSD because of physical and verbal abuse from my dad and self harm urges and actions. 

So to wrap things up, I lost a friend, wanted to kill myself, went to the loony bin and now I'm on social media restriction and am writing this from a laptop in my kitchen while I'm sick and my mom is out of town getting married on a cruise.

I will be back to writing soon my children.

~ Mama Lillie.

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