The Best Moment I Had As A Mermaid

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I was asked the other day, what was the best moment as a mermaid?

This is actually pretty hard. I have a lot of good moments.

One would have to be when I realized that I was a mermaid. A real one. That I was different. I was special. I loved that feeling so much!!

Or the first time I went swimming in the ocean. The salt water felt so perfect on my skin, and my vision underwater was so clear, like I was wearing a pair of goggles. I went out pretty far, and saw tons of fish, even a shipwreck! Only it wasn't ship, it was more of a sailboat. I couldn't really tell. But that moment of exploring the ocean made me feel brave and like I belonged there.

So, this was question was asked by cyanze . Thank you!!

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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