Mermaid Q/A Answers!

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6 days ago, I told everyone that they could ask me as many questions as they wanted, as long as it wasn't personal. Here is the question, who asked it, and my answer. :)

Q1: What is your favorite Mako Mermaids character? (that_girl_cj )
My favorite Mako Mermaids character as to be Mimmi. She's careful, pretty, and smart. She's loyal to her friends, and I believe she sets a good example to mermaids all around the world.

Q2: Do you like ice cream? (caroline_county_gurl )
Yes! I do! My favorite flavors are vanilla, strawberry, and seasalt caramel! :)

Q3: Do you know any other person that is a mermaid? (AllyCampos66 )
Yes, I do. I talk about her a lot, but her name is Ashley. Her Wattpad is AshleyWasmund . But other than Ashley, I don't know any other mermaids, sadly. I'd like to meet more!

Q4: Does anyone know that you're a mermaid? (GalaxyUnicorn8 )
Not unless you count Ashley, but other than that, nope! That doesn't mean that I didn't have close calls, though. I had too many to count. I had to lie so many times...but this is what you have to do if you want to be a mermaid. :(

Q5: Do you have a special place to swim? (GalaxyUnicorn8 )
Yes! I do! Where Ashley lives, there's a beach that is a lake. Even though I'm a saltwater mermaid, I love that beach and swimming with Ashley. It just seems...magical.

Q6: What do you look like in mermaid form? (GalaxyUnicorn8 )
I have a purple tail, with a purple top. That's pretty much it. I wish I got highlights like some mermaids have, but my hair stays the same. :(

Q7: Do you have a pod? (Gummy_Bubbles_ )
Sadly, I don't. I wish I was in one, but I don't know a lot of mermaids personally that could let me join in one...

Q8: Do you like Coke? (Emmsthemermaid )
Yes, I do! Although I don't have soda often, I enjoy Coke a lot!

Q9: Do you just get a random power when you cast the spell? (mxrmaidkhlo )
Not really. You get a power that suits you the best. For example, in H2O: Just Add Water, I believe that Emma got ice powers because she stays "cool" in touchy situations. Rikki got fire because she's fierce, feisty, and bold. Cleo got water control because she's calm and goes with the flow. Only sometimes she fights against the tide.

Q10: What was your favorite mermaid moment? (cyanze )
My favorite mermaid moment has to be when I swam for the first time. Awhile I was swimming, I realized that I was a real mermaid. Something I wanted to be since I was little. Something mythical and magical. I was apart of the ocean, and the ocean was apart of me. :)

Q11: Will you start to make your own spells? (cyanze )
I used to make spells in the past, but I stopped making them because 1) I'm not into witchcraft. 2) It's against my religion. And 3) I don't want to make a spell that doesn't work and cause someone to not believe. But thanks for the suggestion anyway!! :)

Q12: Where do you like to swim? (AllyCampos66 )
Look at question #5. :)

Q13: Are mermaid vegetarians? (FantasyGirl809 )
This is a touchy question. Some are, and don't want to eat their own kind. But some don't care, and eat fish anyway, but fish is tasty and healthy for you. As a mermaid, I kinda am and I'm kinda not. It depends. I'll eat shrimp, and salmon, but other fish I won't eat. I never had seaweed before. How does that taste??

Q14: If you are outside swimming in a pool on a full moon, could you become a mermaid? (Iceprincess32372 )
Oh, gez. I seriously don't know. The pool would have to be at the right spot where the moon is at its fullest. The moon light must be strong. The pool must have the seasalt chlorine in it, most likely.

Q15: If I drink saltwater as a mermaid, would it kill me? (Iceprincess32372 )
Nope! Some people don't know this, but mermaids have tiny tiny gills that allows you to find oxygen in the water. That's what makes you breath longer. The reason that you can't stay down there forever is because you still have human lungs. If you were born a mermaid, you can stay down there for as long as you want because you were meant to be underwater.

Thanks everyone for the questions! I loved answering and hearing from you!

I haven't been posting every single day, I know. I'm trying to make time for Wattpad in my busy schedule, but so far it's not exactly going as planned.

Happy Sunday!


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