Mermaid Time Capsule?!

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In the last chapter, I talked about if you should write a mermaid diary, and where to hide one.

I had an idea last night...why not make a mermaid time capsule?

Over hundreds of years, your secret will be safe underground, until a little girl finds it and decides she will believe too.

Step 1:
The Box

Although a shoe box is the easiest way to go, it isn't the smartest. The cardboard will become weaker over time as the rain comes, getting your stuff dirty underground. I suggest a security box. They are the safest box to go, and will survive the rain, mud, and even fires!

Step 2:
What Do Put In The Box

Once I'm ready to let go, I was thinking of putting my mermaid treasure box in, along with my mermaid diary, and other stuff such as some shells and drawings I've drawn. Other ideas are spells, mermaid jewelry, pearls, etc.

Step 3:
Where To Bury The Box

It all depends. I say backyard, or by a river. Perhaps in a forest is a idea too. I'm personally going to bury it in my friend's, Ashely's backyard, which contains of trees.

I haven't started my time capsule, or even gotten a security box yet, but I'm starting to organize my things.

I don't want to say good-bye to my mermaid things just yet. Maybe when I'm 18.

So is anyone going to do this? You don't have to do it now. Maybe when you're older!

And do you guys have any other ideas that could go in a mermaid time capsule?

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes,


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