The Girl Who was Lost in the Snow

Start from the beginning

Xerxes sighed. He'd have to call in about his missing jury duty, this girl was just too precious. Quickly, he scooped her up in his arms, brushed the snow off of her, and flew back to the casino.


I was awoken today by yelling, unlike the last week or so. I sat up in my bed as footsteps echoed at the end of the hallway. Judging by the amount of footsteps and the voices, it was the Imps and Xerxes.

The Imps? Oh shit.

The door was smashed open as a tidal wave of tiny red men swarmed into the room, sucking me and everyone else into the swarm. I swore as I surfaced and gasped for breath, then went under again to try to find a way out. Unluckily for me, there was no time to find one as I was smashed into the wall. I sat there, stunned, and then ran back into the wave to try to dig everyone out. Trinity was being carried easily, as she was in a nice sitting position. She can levitate. Let her figure that one out. Ardru had burned his way out as you're probably not supposed to touch flame spirits. Can you? I think you can unless they're trying to burn you. Ardru didn't give a shit about the Imps' well being, he just wanted out. Trick and Lucifer were pinned, and Rico was nowhere to be found as he was attempting to bring up his score for the Lustfest. I shuddered at the thought.

Yelling, I grabbed onto their wrists and pulled them both out of the wave. They both sat on the ground, stunned, and shot me a happy smile before jumping onto the two bunks, trying to get to higher ground. I carefully climbed up onto the bed and watched as the whole wave suddenly went to a halt.

Xerxes landed on the ground next to his bed, which had been moved to the back corner when my bunk had been attached to Trick's bed. Carefully, he set an obviously unconscious rabbit girl onto it. The girl was shivering, her dark brown hair moving with each shudder. Xerxes brushed her hair away from her face, kissed her forehead, and sat in a chair next to the bed. The imps took this as a sign to leave and plowed out of the room, shoving Ardru and Trinity out of the way. They both hit the ceiling with a grunt and sank back down to the ground.

The three of us in the bunks climbed down warily, fearing the return of the imp wave. When they didn't return, the five of us sighed in relief. We slowly walked over to where the girl was lying. Xerxes seemed to be waiting for her to wake up.

"Nice catch. Where'd you find her?" Ardru questioned, smiling kindly at Xerxes.

He smiled. "In the snow, where you usually find them."

The two of them started chuckling. Ardru summoned a tiny flame to keep the girl from freezing.

The girl suddenly murmured and rolled over. Then, she yawned and started to open her eyes.

"She's awake!" Lucifer yelled.

Her eyes were large, brown and scared. She blinked, and sat up slowly, trembling in fear.

"W-where am I? Who a-are you? Stay away!"

Xerxes put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he coaxed. "It's ok. We're not gonna hurt you. I found you in the snow, half-dead. What's your name?"

"Harper Jonathan," she whispered. She curled into a fetal position, looking at the ground.

Xerxes looked at us. We looked at each other, confused.

"Can you leave us for a bit?" he asked kindly. "It might help."

Shrugging, the five of us left.


We sat in the tiny kitchen, poking at our pizza with disinterest. We had been sitting in here for three hours, trying to ignore the desire to go check in on what they were doing. It seemed especially difficult for Trick, who looked like they were about to leap out of their chair and go in invisible.

Footsteps, and the door opened. Xerxes and Harper walked in, Harper looking terrified but determined. The pair of them held hands like their lives depended on it.

"Everyone," Xerxes said, "This is Harper. She came here from Mother Earth's forest and she's been travelling on foot for three weeks looking for this casino."

"H-hi," she stammered. She smiled kindly.

"Harper, this is the gang." The imp lord pointed us out in turn.

"The female gargoyle is Trinity, the flame guy is Ardru,"

"Hey," Ardru said and pulled his aviators down at just the right angle.

"Gay feathers over there is Lucifer,"


"There's Yeezus, he's still a human,"

I nodded respectfully.

"And that is Trick Graell, lord of the evil dead."

Trick stood up and approached Harper, extending their hand. Harper looked at them with a question, and then shook their hand. Trick nodded.

"Welcome to Hell," they said. "I'll make sure your stay is as comfortable as it can be."

A hestitation.

"New pal."

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