take deep breaths

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edited by my friend BVBLover213

i love her to death so  please read her stuff...... i hope to some day be as great a author as her.

anyways sorry about the late update . 

i appreciate you sticking with me , love you guys ..

copyrights mine please no copying...Aki 

Austin's pov

When I stalked into Aki's bedroom  to see what the noises were, the last thing I thought I would see was Damien tied to Aki's bed.

I  know my jaw dropped open in shock when I saw him.

He was naked, tied and gagged to the bed . I wanted to laugh at the situation so badly but didn't.

How the mighty have fallen, I thought to myself as I shook my head in amazement.

I had really missed him these last couple of months I didn't want Aki to know but it felt like a part of us was missing.

I started to go to him when I heard a  squeak from behind me. I turned to see Aki walking into the room with her eyes so big with shock at what she saw in front of her.

 She looks at me then  rushes over to Damien, to pull the gag out his mouth.

 Damien starts coughing as Aki starts to  take off the gag .

 "Oh my god what happened to you Damien?"  asks Aki as she pulls the gag out his mouth.

I can't wait to hear the story about this...I think to myself as I walk closer to Aki and Damien to hear what he has to say.

I hear him let out a stream of cusses before he finally says "Your fucking cousin happened ".

I start to laugh, fucking Aiyanna got to love her I think as I ask "Aiyanna did this...why?" as I bent down and start to untie him.

I looked at him as hesitated a moment before saying in a low voice  "Because I ask her...for her help...to get you back."

I looked to  Aki, I saw the sadness and pain reflect in her eyes I watched as  tears filled1 up her eyes, I know then she missed him as much as me or more. She gave me a weak smile before  turning  to look at Damien.

"Damien I love you but you hurt me and Austin , and I need stability in my life, and Austin proposed to me tonight we're getting married, you waited months to come fight for us, if you loved us like we love each other wouldn't you've been fighting for us all the way, cause I would if I lost Austin" Aki says to  Damien , her words made me feel happy that she felt the same for me as I for her.

I looked up to see her  looking back at me.

From were were I stood, I could see the love shining in her eyes as she smiles at me in reassurance of the situation we were in .

I didn't care if we didn't work out with Damien anymore I know I would be happy without him as long as I had her .

I loved her.

So I walked to the wall and leaned against it and let her make the move and  decisions in this, it was up to her if she forgive him...and if she  wanted to give him a chance, because I would win either way.

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