"You have been impressing people all year, Rachael, including me. I really do not think that twelve seconds of your life not devoted to your schoolwork will hurt that outstanding impression too much. Besides, I can help you get it done faster when the time for that comes." Fia said to me in the same sweet but serious tone. Lightening her tone a bit, she added, "Now, I have somethin' to tell ya, ya crazy!"

"Okay... I suppose I can talk for a few minutes... what do you need to tell me?" I questioned, a bit hurried.

"Okayzies, you know how I went to Minecon but you didn't get to, or at least you said you didn't?" She said, hopping gently back and forth in place.

"Yeah... so... what happened?"

"Nothin' much... Just met a few cool Tubers, played Minecraft with Notch, and saved you a goodie bag!" Fia handed me the goodie bag she'd swiped for me, and I opened it, revealing a Creeper costume, a card containing a code for a free Minecraft premium account, another card with the code for this year's cape, a Minecraft themed soda, a tiny lava creeper keychain, and the lava creeper plush she'd added. "I added the plushes! Cool, huh? And that's not even all!"

"Oh my God, Fifia! This is amazing! Thanks!" I took out the creeper plush and squeezed it against my chest. I had always been a fan of plushes and stuffed things. The plush reminded me of Sam that one night when I first bought Minecraft. A single tear rolled down my face, but I was sure Fia didn't notice. Ignoring my dissolving past, I begun to get excited for my friend's adventures and less in a rush to finish my schoolwork, "What else?!"

"Well, you know how the winners of the scavenger hunt get, like, a lot of money?" Fia asked, taking out her Enderman plush and putting it in her pocket so it could watch my creeper.

"Did you win?!" I asked, slightly jumping and holding onto the plush even tighter.


"Awesome! Guess what I did this weekend?!"

"Something. I bet you did something. IT WAS SOMETHING RIGHT?"

"Homework! Yay!" I giggled, but frowned once I saw Fia didn't understand my joke, "Never mind. So, you played Minecraft with Notch?"

"Yep, no lie."

"Awesome! Did you meet any Youtubers?"

Fia launched her shades onto her face faster than you can say Game Over. "Yeah, I did. The kid sure likes his budder..."

"Wait... wait…" I took my time spelling out the syllables to his name, "Do you mean... Skydoesminecraft?!"

"Uh-huh..." She mumbled as quietly as possible, barely nodding.

I smiled and jumped up, still holding onto the lava creeper plush, "Cool! Was BajanCanadian there?! Did you get to meet him too?!"

"Yeah, and the fluffy too. Also Ty, Seto, and Husky, who I called fish the entire time. He was not happy... AND TOBUSCUS! DUDE IS HILARIOUS!"

"Wow. It sounds like you had so much fun." I replied, my voice slightly cracking.

"That's why I worked so hard in the scavenger hunt and swiped you an extra goodie bag. Also, I shot video the entire time I was there! Now we can be at Minecon whenever we want to!"

"Can I see?!"

"Sure. And also, I have a question before we watch the video."

"Sure. Lay it on me."

Living on a Few Wishes //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang