Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

2 hours ...

2 hours since Alex left and I was worried sick about him, I couldn't think of anything else except him and how he is doing. Alex was one of the strongest Alphas ever even this thought didn't calm me.

Gazing at Emma who had been unconscious since the attack, I felt sorry for her and I hoped she would be okay soon. I still didn't know what she did to deserve such harsh punishment from Alex but I intended to know and probably help them to make up in the process.

"She is going to be okay." A voice muttered from behind me and I turned around to see Drew, Standing there and I didn't miss the worried look in his eyes.

"She was your friend?" I asked him.

Drew shrugged and went to sit on the chair opposite to me which was next to Emma's bed.

"Well yea, She never liked me though." Drew trailed off as if remembering something.


"Because she always thought I was bad influence on Alex," He said slowly, "Little did she know that Alex was bad influence on me." He chuckled as he said this.

I couldn't help but giggle, I knew he was trying to lighten the mood and it was working but whatever he did, he couldn't erase my worry on Alex.

"There seems to be problems between her and Alex." I told him and I saw him stiffen.

"You should be asking Alex, not me." He said as he got up and made his way towards the door.

It was obvious that what I asked him annoyed him but I still wanted to know.

"Alex doesn't want to tell me," I shouted a bit loudly as I grabbed his shoulder, "And you also don't want to tell me, What are you both hiding from me?"

Drew turned around and made his way towards me then held my chin up to look at him.

"It is just not my secret to tell." He told me with a smile before he turned around and made his way out of the room before I could ask him any further question.

I was left by myself again but that wasn't for too long as Emma seemed to wake up, she was moving in the bed as if troubled.

I quickly made my way towards her. When she noticed me, She was shocked and sat up quickly.

"Don't, You are wounded." I told her softly as I pushed her slowly to lay on the bed but she shook my hands away and glared at me.

"Stay away from me." She yelled at me and made her way to stand up.

When she made her move to stand up, she quickly fell but I quickly caught her in my arms and moved her to sit on the bed again.

I decided to ignore her behavior towards me and be nice towards her, I still didn't know why she hated me.

"Where is Alex?" She asked me as she looked around the room while she let out a hiss of pain.

"He went to fight whoever attacked you I guess" I muttered as I looked at her reaction. Her eyes filled with fear a moment and the next her eyes filled with fury.

"Are you stupid? How can you leave him alone in a situation like his?" She growled at me and I would have stepped back at her tone but being an Alpha's mate, I didn't.

I had enough of her and was about to shout at her to shut the fuck up but she interrupted.

"Those people could kill him" She said slowly.

In the moment, everything around me stopped. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My heart was beating rapidly. I knew Alex was in danger but not in that kind of danger.

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