Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Time seemed to slow by as Alex made his way towards Emma who by now still didn't move from her place, I wondered how she wasn't afraid from Alex when he looked that furious. I only saw him like this once when I escaped from him and I never wanted to be in his way again when he was angry because he looked really scary.

Alex's wolf stood in front of Emma and growled at her, sending shivers through me.

I knew I had to do something, I couldn't just let him hurt her.

I quickly moved in front of her, blocking Alex from going any further towards her.

He growled at me but I didn't move Although the way he looked right now scared me.

He shifted back to his human form and stood there fully naked in front of us. I blushed as i looked at him. His body was so tempting and I stopped myself from looking any lower.

I didn't notice when he stormed towards me and grabbed my wrist in an iron grip. It hurt but before I could complain any more. He pushed me towards Drew.

"Get her inside." Alex snarled keeping his eyes on me, probably mad because I stood in his way.

Drew nodded and pulled me behind him but I squirmed in his hold and I was able to get my arms from his grasp.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I placed my hands on Alex's chest, trying to calm him down.

"I am going to show her what happens when she messes with me." He said lowly, staring at her. His eyes were turning black and I knew his wolf was coming out again.

"I won't go inside" I said sternly to him.

My words made him mad, that was obvious.

"I said go inside and I don't want to repeat it again or you will be punished" He said it slowly and I know he meant every word by the look in his eyes.

I was about to protest again but Drew grabbed my hand and pulled, with more force this time, to the house.

I almost forgot about Emma who was standing there with an amused grin on her face. I didn't know what was wrong with her since I never saw anyone from the pack who doesn't fear Alex as her.

Drew cleared his throat and smiled at me, I thought he was crazy because I didn't know why he was smiling at a situation like this.

"Why are you smiling?" I said as I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You clearly don't know her, right?" He said with an amused look as he chuckled.

"Nope, How can I?" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him.

"I thought that Alex would tell you" He shrugged as it was nothing important, "seeing that you are his mate"

His words made me angry because what he said was true but the truth was that Alex hid things from me and he never told me even though I am his mate.

"Never mind" I said, as I moved towards him and sat beside him on the coach.

If I was getting any answers then I know it would be right now from Drew.

"Drew, who is she?" I told him in a serious voice to make him pay attention to me.

Drew looked at me for a moment then signed as he put his hand under my chin and raised my eyes to look at him.

"Emma is his sister but Alex forced her out of the pack 3 years ago." He said as he let me go and waited to see my reaction.

I suddenly felt as if a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders, Emma was his sister, Not his lover or girlfriend. I never felt so happy about something before. My jealousy was slowly killing me to know that Alex had feelings for another woman than me. But now knowing that Emma was just his sister was like a burden lifted from my shoulders.

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