Chapter 18

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Elizabeth's POV

"Care to explain why you went with her, without so much as informing me?" He growled as he paced in front of me. He was pratically fumming and i couldn't think of a way to calm him down.

"She just wanted to talk, how can that be such a problem to you!" My tone raised a little till i was shouting at him now.

We have been having this argument for the past hour, I couldn't think of an excuse to why i went with her because if i did, making him calm down will be impossible.

"And what did you two talk about, if i may ask?" He snarled as his eyes turned the shade of black which made me anxious.

I looked anywhere but him at the moment.

If he knew the real reason, he would make sure Emma didn't step foot in the pack ever again. I couldn't allow that to happen, not after what she told me.

I opened my mouth to respond but i was silenced as Alex placed his hand on my mouth and slowly shook his head before whispering,

"No lying because i know when you are about to tell a lie." He told me slowly before removing his hand and towering over me.


I felt the temperature of the room increase suddenly but it wasn't the weather, it was me being nervous and i hated it that he knew me so well.

He is your mate! he knows you so well to know when you lie My wolf reminded me and i mentally agreed with her.

"You know about Emma's mate now, don't you?" His tone was emtionless as he stared at me; studying my reaction.

I inhaled deeply before looking at the ground, I didn't know how to answer but he knew that i knew so what was the point of not talking about it.

"Yes, he was my half brother." I told him and i was the glad that my voice didn't crack.

Alex's face remained like a stone, without any emotion showing on his face but his eyes showed he was in deep thought.

"Yes, he is your half brother and i killed him and you already know why." He growled as he slamed his fist to the wall, making it crack.

I winced at the sound; he had the right to be angry. My half brother, which i had no idea he existed, killed Alex's parents and Alex, in return, killed him.

My half brother was Emma's mate and also The one who killed Alex's parents.

The news of his death didn't affect me at all, i didn't know he existed so it was normal for me not to feel anything.

"That is why your father wants to kill me; for revenge but i will kill him myself before he have the chance." Alex snarled, clenching his fist till his knuckles turned white.

It all made sence to me now, why my father's first goal now was to kill Alex and that thought didn't sit so well with me.

"I know and i believe in you." I told him softly before pecking him on the cheek.

However, he took that apportunity and slammed his lips on mine and i moaned loudly, running my hands through his hair. He pulled away quickly and i pouted before he smirked.

"I didn't know i was that desirable to you." He said smirking at me as i blushed.

"Idiot." I muttered lowly but he heard.

"You misspelled sexy, amazing, incredible and irresistable." He told me as he smiled confidently to himself and i chuckled at his attempt to light the situation.

"I just don't want you angry with me when i am finished with your father." He said sharply as he looked down at me.

"You are my mate and he wants to kill you so you know what you have to do; just be careful." I smiled reassuringly.

I would be sad over my father but he had done so many terrible things that someone had to put an end to it.

I just didn't know the person to do it will be my mate.

"Good morning sleepyhead." A voice said, a bit too loudly for my liking.

I groaned as i sat up and instantly shielded my eyes from the curtains. I turned around to glare at Alex but it wasn't him next to me.

It was Drew.

"Get out of the room." I snapped as i pointef towards the door. I knew it was childish but i was still angry at him and i don't think i was ready to forgive him yet.

"Not happening and also it is 2 PM, did you stay up late for a certain reason?" He smirked as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

I blushed as i looked away from him, it wasn't his buisness to know what i and Alex had done last night and i frowned at him.

"You really don't want to hear the answer." I told him, crossing my arms over my chest.

Drew coughed a few times and looked away and i almost laughed at his reaction.

"Fine! i don't want to know but i just came here to say i am sorry for the way i acted towards you. It was wrong of me to tell you these things but i was worried about you and Lucy." He said as he looked at me and i could say he was sincere about it.

"You were worried about me and Lucy, is that the only reason?" I asked as i raised an eyebrow at him and a smirk formed on my lips as i saw him gulp in nervousness.

"Well that and you know that Alex will kill me if anything happens to you while i was there." He said as he now glared at me as if it was my fault.

"I still don't know if i can forg-" I was interrupted by him rasing his hands.

"Forgive me and i will take you to the mall, what do you say?" He told me, laughing at me as i quickly nodded.

"What about Alex?" I said slowly as i didn't want Alex hitting Drew because of me.

"He won't return till 6 PM and i guess we can go and return before it." He told me as if it is that easy which i knew wasn't.

I immediately got up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom but was stopped by a hand wrapping aroung my wrist.

"You are pregnant, congratulations!" He smiled as he pulled me for a hug. He noticed i was stiff because he pulled away.

"What's wrong?" His tone was full of concern.

"How did you know?" I asked, confusion was clear in my voice as i waited for him to answer.

"All the pack knows." He said slowly as if i was missing something. I grew irrated as i didn't understand anything.

"What do you mean all the pack knows exactly?" I hissed as i narrowed my eyes at him.

"Alex mind linked all the pack members about it, he didn't tell you?" He asked even though he knew the answer from my expression.

How can Alex tell all the pack without telling me he was going to do first! I wanted him to ask me if he could before it, it is too late now

"Are you okay?" Drew's voice snapped me back to reality and i took a few breaths to calm down.

"Yes! Let's not waste anymore time, shall we?" I smiled as i entered the bathroom and slammed the door so loudly, i was glad it didn't break.

I grinned as a thought came to me to get back at Alex.

Two can play this game Alex

What do you think is Elizabeth's plan? Emma's mate is Elizabeth's brother! Who saw that coming? ;)

Vote, comment and send me a PM of what do you think of Rogue War so far.

Next chapter will be didicated to one of the people who comment ;)

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