Chapter 2

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Elizabeth POV

I kept running as fast as I could. I was almost there. If he caught me, I do not know what I will do

"Run little kitten, run ... " His husky voice made fear creep into me and I increased my pace.

Suddenly, two arms wrapped around my waist, brought me to a halt and shoved me to a tree.

Black eyes stared into mine. " You dared to run from me and for that you need to be punished. " He whispered fiercely as he brought his lips to mine.

I woke up sweating, not knowing where I was. Shaking and in pain, I groaned. It was too much for me to handle. I brought my hand to my neck absent-mindedly and felt a mark there. I gasped.

I remembered everything now. I have found my mate who is an alpha and who hates and kills rogues like me. I remembered how I provoked him, just after he told me his rules, leading to him marking me by force.

I felt hot tears gather in my eyes but I refused to cry. If I cried then I would seem weak and I knew he wanted that seeing as I am a rogue. He would love to see me weak and broken in front of him but I would never give him the satisfaction of seeing me like that.

I looked around, noticing the king sized bed I was currently on and a large bedroom. All the furniture in it was elegant and precise.

I clenched my teeth, trying to not to feel pain. I stood up, ignoring the pain but fell to the ground. The pain was too intense, I felt like burning up. Every part of my body ached.

Just then the door opened and my mate, the alpha, walked in. Seeing me on the ground he shook his head and frowned at me.

Of course he will frown at me, I am a rogue. I didn't expect him to do anything other than that.

He knelt down in front of me and caressed my cheek but I slapped his hand away. He growled at me, his eyes turning darker, then he grabbed my face roughly and brought my head down to look at his face.

"I marked you now! You are mine, only mine, and I disapprove of the way you are treating me when I have done nothing to you!" He growled at me and I felt like I was going to cry. I felt like I was an emotional mess now.

"Marking me by force, if I may add and I do not like that," I said in a low voice.

"I am supposed to mark you when I first see you and I did just that so why are you angry?" He hissed at me.

Tears ran down my cheeks, I couldn't keep up the strong act. I wanted to leave and I couldn't stay with a man as emotionless and vile as this. A man who killed members of my group.

"Let me leave and I won't bother you again." I told him softly hoping he would understand me.

He chuckled at that. "I would never let you go, you are staying here with me." He whispered to me.

I refused to stay with someone as cold hearted as him, I would just live an unhappy life.

"I am a rogue. You hate them and kill them but are you willing to keep me?" I asked through clenched teeth, letting my anger towards him show.

"I hate them and I kill them also, you are right! I know you are a rogue but you are not a rogue any more. You are now a member of my pack." He smirked and I gasped.

I didn't want to live with him while he was killing off my group, who were like my family, I could not .

"I will stay with you if you stop killing the rogues," I said to him, trying to convince him.

"You think I would make a deal with you?" he laughed at me and I frowned.

"You are staying here and I don't care if you want to or not." he said casually as he stood up.

"Then I am leaving and you will never see me again! " I said angrily to show him that I meant it.

"Okay, go, leave. I will just catch you again." He said nonchalantly and left the room.

I sat on the ground now, tears running down my face. That was cruel. He is a cold hearted, emotionless beast who didn't care about my opinions and still will kill members of my group. An he thought that I will stay here and let him. He could never be more wrong.

I stood up, ignoring the pain as much as I could. I looked through the large window. I can jump, I could, of course, faint from the pain but I am willing to take the risk.

I took the last option and jumped on the newly trimmed grass. I stumbled and fell. Feeling dizzy, I stood up again and began to make my way through the garden. And that was when I heard it.

Someone was screaming in pain and my heart ached for the person. I wondered what or who was causing the person that pain. I had two options, either leave right now, or go and rescue whoever was screaming.

Before I could think about it, I went by option two. I could never leave anyone behind so I ran towards the sound and I found myself in front of a big room in the middle of the huge garden.

I swallowed nervously as I entered the room and the sight in front of me made me go speechless. I gasped.

A man was in front of me, hanging from the ceiling by two ropes around his wrists. I looked at his face and it was a mess but I focused more on his facial features.

He was a member of my group, I'm sure of it. He was one of our fighters and he disappeared last week. Or, at least that is what I heard.

He raised his head and looked at me he looked shocked.

"Elizabeth, is that you?" he managed to say even though he could barely move.

I nodded at him, tears filling my eyes at the sight of him. I have to get him out and I didn't care about any consequences.

I quickly ran to him and tried to reach the ropes but it was too high to reach. I grabbed a chair, stood on it and began removing the ropes.

"Elizabeth, you have to leave now! He will come and you will be just like I am now!" He said in a harsh whisper, pleading to me.

I shook my head. There is no way I am leaving this man here. I removed the ropes and he fell to the ground with a thud.

I quickly got down and brought him close to me, hugging him, trying to make him forget about the pain.

I was concentrating on the man so much that I didn't notice Alpha Alex come in, and boy, did he look scary.

He glared at me and in two quick strides, pulled me away from the man roughly.

He growled at me. I made a move towards him but he pushed me away cruelly causing me to fall down with a loud thud. I could feel my side flare from the excess pain.

I looked at Alex as he made his way towards the man, not knowing what he was about to do until I saw his claws extend.

It happened so fast, that before I could open my mouth to tell him to stop, Alex snapped the man's neck.

The man fell down with a loud thud and died.

I heard screaming and I didn't know where it came from until I realised in that moment that I was the one screaming.

Rogue War (Under Major Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora