Chapter 16 - One Bad Apple

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"What're you doing?" Will asked as Oliver took a hold of his hand. They were walking through the school courtyard, heading towards homeroom for the last full day of class before final exams.

"I'm holding your hand," Oliver replied simply, giving his boyfriend's hand a squeeze. He had a huge grin on his face and his whole body was radiating happiness and excitement.

"I can see that," Will laughed, surprised by Oliver's suddenly chipper attitude. Not to say that the blonde was always down or a cloud of darkness, but today, something was up and Will wanted to know what was going through his boyfriend's mind to make him this bright and bubbly. "You realise we're in public, right?" he asked, feeling a bit guilty for putting a damper on the blonde's excitement.

Oliver sighed, slowing them both down to a stop before turning to face Will and taking his other hand in his. "I'm sick of hiding us," Oliver explained, looking deep into Will's eyes to show just how much he meant this. If he'd learnt anything over the last few months that he and Will had had together was that he was so much in love with this boy and nothing would keep them apart. They had been through so much drama and heartache with each other, had grown together and closer than Oliver had ever imagined possible. He needed Will and he would never give him up. So what was the point of hiding anymore?

"Are you sure?" Will asked, just needing the confirmation like he always did. Unlike all the other times, however, he felt good about this one, the massive grin on his face evidently proving this fact.

"Of course," the blonde assured him, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips. 

As they both pulled apart, both their faces broke into the largest grins they'd ever had in their life, reflecting the immense happiness that they were feeling inside. "Perfect," Will whispered, leaning back in for another kiss. 

Oliver laughed, enjoying the sensation like he always did. Even after all this time, Oliver still felt his body burn up at Will's touch, and he loved every moment of it.

"Ok, enough," Oliver declared after a few small kisses, pulling away enough that Will couldn't sneak a few more in. "We gotta get to class."

Will pouted, enjoying what had just been happening. But he relented anyway, letting Oliver pull him along by the hand as they made their way to class.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"You two are the cutest," one of the girls gushed, as her friend standing next to her followed up with a, "Seriously, so cute." Both girls bobbing up and down in excitement as they looked at Will and Oliver, up close and cuddly as they sat at a lunch table. Will wasn't too sure who these girls were, nor did he know why they felt they needed to come up and tell them this, but he didn't mind. Who didn't like being called the cutest?

"Thanks," Oliver replied for the both of them, giving the two girls a polite smile. The girls nodded, still buzzing with excitement - for some inexplicable reason, because Will did not understand it for a second - before heading off and leaving the newly-open couple in peace.

"Oh my god, you guys, you're like, the cutest," Liv mocked once the two girls were out of earshot. "Yeah, like seriously, too cute," Emmie mimicked straight after. Both girls had put on a sarcastic, Valley Girl accent, making fun of the two girls who'd just been there.

Everyone at the table laughed, shaking their head at how stupid they sounded, while Liv mumbled a "gross" under her breath.

"I really don't get it, like, why are they so excited over this?" Will asked incredulously, motioning between him and Oliver. People's fascination with gay couples would always be a mystery that eluded him.

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