Chapter 6 - Prove It to You

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"So, Dale knows about us now?" Oliver asked the next day as he and Will lay on his bed. Well, the blonde was sitting up against the headboard, crossed-legged as his boyfriend laid his head in his lap.

It still felt a bit unreal to Oliver that he had a boyfriend now. He'd grown up thinking he was pretty much just straight, making plans in his head of his wife and their future together, what he wanted from his future wife and what he'd do for her. Talking endlessly with his guy friends back in his home town about what kind of girls he liked and what he'd like the do with them. The feisty Latina he'd go out clubbing with when he would be old enough to go out; the sexy blonde he'd spend all day in bed with with no clothes on; or the strawberry blonde with a pale face covered in freckles who he'd cuddle all the time and make breakfast in bed for. Ok well, the last one he kept to himself. Oliver had to keep face in front the guys and all.

But now here he was, doing all those things with a guy.

Oliver had always been somewhat of a more liberal person. His mother was a free spirit who taught him and his brother to love everyone and accept them for who they are. So Oliver never really "looked down" on gay people. Whenever his father was home from his long business trips, however, Mr. Hughes would spout endlessly about the "degradation of society nowadays," with "the gays flaunting their lifestyle in everyone's faces" and "girls parading around like sluts." To say that Oliver's dad was conservative and traditional was an understatement.

Oliver never really understood why his parents were together. They were such opposites that it never really made much sense to him. But the love he saw between them during their time together confirmed, to him anyway, the idea that opposite really do attract.

He was glad though that his mum was around more than his dad. He never liked how hateful and negative conservatives seemed to be. But he did worry about how his dad would react if he found out about his relationship with Will. He'd never really thought about it before. Sure, Oliver had always said to himself that if the right guy had come along, he'd be open and might think about swinging that way. But it's completely different when that guy actually does come along. He never thought he would actually be in that situation.

But he was. And he was happy. 

So very happy.

So there was no way he was going to let anything get in the way of it. Dale knowing about them being together felt like a big step in the right direction, to Oliver at least. He knew that Will was reluctant to be open about them, caring too much about what others thought about him, in Oliver's opinion, so with Will opening up to Dale about it, it showed him that his boyfriend was serious about them actually being together.

"Yeah, he seemed pretty accepting of it," Will had replied, eyes closed as he enjoyed the massage Oliver was giving to his head. "Which is pretty good, I guess," he shrugged, opening his eyes to see his boyfriend's reaction.

The blonde looked down at Will in the eye and shrugged in return, "Yeah, I guess so. Are you gonna tell the girls?"

"Well, they already sorta know, but I'll confirm it all to them when I see them tomorrow. Only if you want me to though," Will added, not entirely sure if the other teen wanted everyone else to know about them yet. Sure, he'd been quite adamant about them being together for quite a long time now, but everyone knowing and being open about their relationship was a whole different kettle of fish.

"Of course you can tell them, why wouldn't I want them to know?" Oliver asked, confusion covering his face.

Will shrugged, not really sure how to explain himself. "I don't know... I just thought that you'd be a bit freaked about people knowing because once it gets out, you're coming out of the closet, basically," he tried, wincing at how clumsy it sounded.

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