Chapter Five.

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I awoke to the dog barking and the cat meowing at the door. I could hear Ghost speaking to someone in his room so I figured they were just making noise at him. Eventually they both came and laid back up in bed with Chris and I. Chris hated cats, but that cat loved him. It curled up on his chest and just slept there, right by my face. The puppy slept in between us. I had finally fallen back into my slumber when our bedroom door swung open.

"Guess who is back for you!" The figure shouted. I quickly grabbed the gun out of my bedside table and pointed it at him. I knew that voice. It was Thanatos again. Chris looked fed up with all of Thanatos's shit and looked about ready to rip a hole into his neck. Sure, Thanatos was strong, but Chris was stronger. I watched as Chris pushed Thanatos against the wall and held him by the neck.

"Give me one good reason not to rip into your neck right now!" Chris exclaimed. Thanatos shrugged and lightly laughed.

"Well, I'm your brother for one." Thanatos stated as he smirked. Chris's grip tightened.

"Do you think this is a fucking game!" Chris asked through clenched teeth. Thanatos laughed at him and escaped his grip by pushing him away.

"Now listen here, little brother. I'm going to take back what's mine, and you aren't going to pull any of your stupid stunts to get her back. She was mine before she was yours." Thanatos explained. I shivered at the thought of going back with him. Chris pulled me behind him protectively.

"No, you can't have her." Chris said silently. Thanatos laughed and cocked his head to one side.

"Excuse me?" He questioned as he stepped closer. I clung to Chris.

"I said you can't take her from me! Not again!" Chris plunged his fist through Thanatos's ribcage and I watched as black liquid oozed from Thanatos's mouth.

"Well played, brother. But if you kill me, you have a greater force to deal with." Thanatos choked out. Chris's brow furrowed.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"Oh, you'll see." With that Thanatos just gave up, and closed his eyes. Chris held Thanatos's heart in his hand. Thanatos was dead.

"I- I killed my brother." Chris said silently as he looked down. I grabbed the heart and threw it down.

"Josh, go burn the body. Ryan, could you clean up the blood?" They did as I asked. Ryan pulled back her hair and grabbed some cleaning supplies, and Balz and Ricky carried the body down the stairs to burn it.

"Come on, babe. Let's get you cleaned up." I told Chris as I led him to the bathroom.
He washed off his hands and then took off his boxers as I started the shower.

"Are you going to shower with me, baby?" He asked me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck. I laughed slightly at him.

"I'll shower with you, but no fucking." I told him. He grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Well, damn. There goes my plans." He said sarcastically.

"Besides, we can't fully celebrate. Apparently there's a much more vengeful person out there." I warned him. He shook his head.

"He was bluffing. No one loves him enough to come get vengeance for his death." Chris had a valid point. Thanatos was a huge dick, so who did he have?

It had been hours since Thanatos went to receive Grave from Chris, and he wasn't back. I was starting to worry as I looked out the window, waiting for him to walk through those gates with Grave.

"Miss Desi-" It was a servant.

"Did you knock?" I asked sternly as I stared intensely out the window.

"No, ma'am." She said ashamed. I turned my head to look at her.

"Now, what is so God damn important that you couldn't knock?" I questioned. She looked down, and I walked over to her, each click of my heels made her jump.

"I- It's Thanatos." She said silently. My eyes got wide and I stared at her.

"What about him?" I asked, hoping maybe he was on his way home.

"Mister Cerulli killed him. I'm so sorry, mistress." I was filled with rage at the horrible news. I grabbed her head in my hands and twisted her neck.

"That will be all." I silently said as she fell. I didn't know whether I should be upset or enraged, all I knew was that vengeance will be had. If I can't take Grave away from Chris, then I'll have to just take Chris away from Grave.

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