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Isaac POV

We finally got to the house a little over midnight, and Lexx was lost in his own head. We walked in and everyone created us a path; leading him up stairs to go to bed.

"I'm sorry." Lexx said, laying down facing the wall.

"Sorry about what?" I sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to face me. Picking his body up off the soft embrace; his sleepy eyes stared into mine.

"For getting mad. And exploding. I don't know what came over me. When he said that he wants you to marry his daughter and she can give you everything; money and gifts. I can't give you any of that. So when I thought that you were going to say yes, my chest got all tight. But when you said that you have me, it made me happy. But Mr.Biggs wouldn't let it go, so I got mad. I'm sorry."

His voice was so quiet, it made it hard for me to hear every word he said, but I did. And those words made me happy. Lifting his head in my hand to face me once again, his whole body was a shade of pink that made him look so adorable.

"Lexx. I don't need money or gifts. Yeah she's a girl but I have an amazing person that I care about right here; in my bed. You made me feel like I'm human again. Made me actually want to live again. You bring light into dark places. You have a very special gift within you." Lifting him up so he was sitting on my lap and I was leaning against the wall.

"I just don't know why you make me feel this way, it confuses me." He leaned his head against my bare chest. Tracing his finger over my dragon tattoo that went all the way down my left arm and side.

"I get that feeling also." I whispered in his ear. Dragging my lips up and kissing his forehead. "I love you." The words left my mouth before I knew what I was doing. Those words shocked him as they did me. "Plus the only difference girls have then guys is that they have two holes instead of one." I laughed, nervously. I can't believe I said it.

Imprison Me: (2016)Where stories live. Discover now