"Well you can't, I need him and he is my friend."

Creed quirked his eyebrow at the word 'friend'. "I thought you didn't have any."

"Me too  until I was reminded of it recently.  Anyway Peyton grows on you."

"Yeah, well he hasn't grown on me.  He is an obnoxious little twit."

"Yes he can be, but that twit can seriously do some damage, dependable, and quite entertaining at times.  Plus I love his mate, Andrea, now she is a sweetheart.  She doesn't know about we really do.  Peyton is very protective of her.  As far as she knows, Peyton is a doctor and I work on his staff.  Got it."

"Got it."  Creed was shoving his legs into a pair of jeans before putting on his shirt. I walked slowly over the dresser and done on a pair of sweats and t-shirt Andrea lend to me.  Creed's arm encircled my waist as his other hand moved my hair to the side for him to place soft kisses on my neck.  "We will finish what you started later." He  breathed into my ear sending delightful shivers along my skin and then he stepped away from me slapping me on my ass.  "I'll see you downstairs."

I temporarily lost my focus and let him in.  There was not going to be a repeat of what happened this morning.  I was weak and I gave in, but now I felt stronger.  I could feel my old self waking up, all I need was the return of my wolf.

It took me fifteen minutes to make it downstairs. I smirked at the missing base board where I opted to empty the clip.

'Eva are you okay?"  Andrea had left her chair at the dining room and rushed up to me bringing me into her arms.

"I'm fine." I glance over her shoulder at Creed and Peyton each sitting at one end of the table.  Peyton was enjoying the meal in front of him while Creed was glaring at him.  Andrea let me go and pulled me out of the dining room and into the kitchen. I sat at one of the bar stool to catch my breath.

"Did you two fix it?" Andrea grabbed a glass and poured orange juice in it then handed it to me.

"I guess somewhat."

"Open your heart and let him in.  No matter how scary he acts."

I laughed at her concern.  "I can handle his scary."

"Peyton told me everything."

"What do you mean?"

"He told me what he really does for the council and what you do."

"How do you feel about it?"

"A little mad that he didn't trust me enough to tell me truth."

"He was only trying to protect you."

"I know, but knowing that he makes biochemicals that hurt people. I don't know how to take that."

"I don't know what to say, I'm no better. Just know that neither of us would ever hurt you."

"Hey girls, you might want to get in here.  I think Creed is going to stare me to death. He is still peeved that I interrupted his nooky time."  Peyton winked at me.

"Whatever Peyton." I shoved him playfully going back into the dining room. Creed was eating and stop when I entered. He got up to help me to my seat. My new found energy was seeping away fast. I hated being so weak.

"Once you eat, we are leaving."  Creed announced as I sat down.

"Where too?"


"You mean prison." I grumbled shoving pancake in my mouth.

"Eva things will be different when we go back.  I will not shut you out."

HeartlessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя