Warning (USUK)

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** MairaHavana and EnglandHatesYou **

Here's some crack-y USUK for ya! **

Alfred slid over to the bushy-eyebrowed young man, determined to say something that would impress him for once. He'd win over his heart -- or his libido, that was pretty good too. Either one worked, honestly. "Hey bro!"

    Arthur grit his teeth and set down his newspaper. "My name is not 'bro', Alfred. Or Iggy, or Eyebrows, or anything else ridiculous you get into that head of yours. Now what on earth do you want from me?"

    Alfred paused, before continuing recklessly. Reckless was what he wanted right now. "Well you know, there should be a warning sign on my dick!"

    If the other man was drinking something, then he would've spit it out by now. "I beg your pardon?!"

    Alfred smirked. "Because of its choking hazard, duh."

    "Oh." Oh? That wasn't the reaction he wanted. "Wait...isn't that the warning they put on small objects?" Now it was Arthur's turn to smirk.

    Alfred's jaw dropped. Shit, that was not what he meant--

    And Arthur just went back to reading his newspaper. He was not impressed, at least not yet.

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