Knitting (SuFin)

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Berwald rushed into the house in determination. Peter needed to be picked up from Arthur Kirkland's house in about an hour, but there was a chance that Arthur was just bringing him home again. Berwald sort of hoped he was -- he had work to do -- but his "wife" Tino would know for sure. He was good with things like that.

"Tino?" He called, looking in the kitchen. Nope, he wasn't there. Berwald wondered what he could be doing. Then he headed to the living room.

Tino was sitting on the couch, knitting. He didn't look up when Berwald walked in because he had earphones in his ears. He was really cute; Berwald had to take a moment and just look at him there.

But their son needed them. So he broke out of his trance.

"Tino? 'S Arthur bringin' Peter home 'r do I need t' go get 'im?" Berwald asked. Tino still didn't look up. "Tino."

Calmly, he took one of the earphones and pulled it away. Loud, screaming sounds came from it, and in surprise and horror, Berwald jumped away.

"Hm? Sorry, Ber, did you say something?" Tino said sweetly, tilting his head. "I didn't hear you..."

Yeah, no wonder. "Er. No. Never mind." He turned away and just decided he'd go and pick up Peter anyway.

On the way, Berwald thought about Tino. God he loved his family, and he'd never ask them to change, but sometimes they really were weird.

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