

"We had similar interests. What's your problem?"

"What happened to Light? Avery? Melody? Kitty? Your friends at the motel?"

"Light… she…" Allison attempted to ignore my questions, "What do you really want, Caleb?"

"Answer me! What happened to your old friends?!"

"Light is in rehabilitation because of Blake's death. Kitty is making a film career in New York. Avery is with Draco somewhere in the Midwest due to the pressure we put on him about Ray's meds. And Melody… I just don't know about her… They weren't my friends anyways."

"You would've replied differently before Ray appeared again."

"By the way… what ever happened to Adam? Y'know… since he found that antidote…"

"I'm not bothering with anyone. And neither should you."

"Sorry, big bro. No can do. Adam has to pay for ruining our plans."

"What do you plan on doing to those poor couples in Los Angeles?"

"Poor?!" Allison grumbled, becoming furious. Her fists clenched up beside her hips. The lighting looked like her eyes flashed pure white for a moment, "You sympathize for them?! How dare you?! I thought… you pretended to be on their side! Caleb! I thought I could trust you!"

I tried to keep my calm through all of my sister's anger, "Well… I suppose you can't anymore."

"I'll be watching you. And you especially. No more Ms. Nice Girl." Allison quickly stepped into the shadows and disappeared from my sight.


The date was going well, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a date. Sure, it was just us, and sure, there was plenty of blusing... at least, on my end. Mostly, there was laughing, chatting, and looking at the menus. Maybe I could... I had my drawing hidden in my pocket, and I had a special plan to give it to him. 

I reached a hand up to my shades and adjusted them, making sure they were in place. No one, besides my father of course, had ever seen my eyes before. It was a widely-known fact, and everyone I know was curious. 

I reached down to my pocket and felt the contents. The drawing was there, along with my budder ingot-shaped USB. It would be a difficult plan to put in motion, but hopefully, it would all end well. 

I looked up at Adam. "Hey, I'll be right back, okay? I'm not running away or anything, I promise." 

He looked up too and smiled, "Good, because if you did decide to skip out, then, uh.. Heh, I actually have no clue what would happen." 

"Well good! Let's keep it that way!" I giggled as I got up from my chair and headed to the bathrooms. I slipped into a stall and opened up the golden bag I had been carrying, which held the costume I had worn when I sang at Ray's wedding. I took out a mirror and looked at the dress I had been wearing; a light, sky blue dress with teal fringe at the bottom and top, a thin, teal ribbon around the middle, and a small, teal bow edged with gold and centered with an amethyst gem attatched to the ribbon at the front-right of the dress. It was slightly longer than knee-length, and it had wide straps for sleeves. Not too girly, not too plain. Just my style. I took it off and put the costume on. It gave me the biggest smile to wear it.....

I held the mirror back up, admiring the costume from every possible angle; a black leather jacket, a dark grey tee, dark jeans, black sneakers, my shades and amulet, and a sky blue cape with a golden pickaxe glittering in the middle. Whenever I wore this costume, it gave me the biggest smile... I bent over and slid my picture and USB out of the pocket hidden behind the bow on my dress, tucking them away in my jeans pocket. I folded the dress and hid it in my golden bag. I picked up the bag and snuck out of the bathrooms, making sure not to draw attention to myself. 

I made my way up to the karaoke platform, clicking my USB into a slot beside of a small touchscreen built into the top of the speakers. Instantly, two files popped up; one named Lyrics and another tagged with the word Instrumentals. I tapped on the latter, and a few buttons popped up; play, rewind, fast forward, and cancel. My finger hovered over the play button. 

Did I really want to go through with this?

I picked up the microphone and turned it on, shaking the silvery hair out of my face. I didn't know what to say. Everyone was talking at once, except Adam, since he had no one to talk to at the moment.

"SHUT YO CHEESEHOLES! I GOTS SOMETHIN TO SAY UP HERE!!" That got everyone very quiet, very fast. "Bless yo faces. I've got a song here that I thought a friend of mine would like to hear me try again. I didn't do so well the last time. I wasn't too sure I could sing it the first time. BUT DIS TIME IS DA RIGHT TME, I PROMISE YA! AAAAND.. I SING!!!" A few people clapped quietly, obviously thinking I would pick a bad song and sing it even worse than the original. Adam was the only one who really applauded. I grinned, finally pressing play. The song begun.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Mitch and Ray sitting down at a table near mine and Adam's. Perfect timing, the rest of my plan started immediately. I hopped down from the stage and onto the nearest empty table. Walking on clear tables, I made my way over to where Adam sat. I slipped a hand into my pocket, pulling out the sketch and rolling it up in a way that wouldn't crease it. I hid the sketch in my hand, which I held up to my shades, as if to take them off. I looked Adam in the eye as I sang the most important verse in the entire song.

In one swift movement, I grabbed my shades and pulled them off, sliding them instead onto Adam's face. I then slipped the sketch into his hand, closing his hand around it. And finally, I leaned down and pecked Adam on the cheek before running back up to the stage as quickly as possible. Adam unfolded the sketch and looked at it. Ray could see it from her table.

This drawing seemed more realistic than the others and had obviously taken more time to draw. It was another fan art of Adam and Fia's skins, and this one was at Fia's server's spawn. It showed a side view of their skins hugging, Fia's pecking Adam's on the cheek. They were both blushing, which was no surprise. Adam had no sword in this picture. Fia's sunglasses were missing; her eyes were a vivid with streaks of buddery gold mixed in. Adam's sunglasses were firmly in place. All of the other details were the same as the other fan art of them both.

As soon as I was back on the stage, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Half of the audience gasped. My intense eyes would've caught anyone off guard. I must have looked like I was straight out of an anime, with hair that was so blonde that it looked silver and eyes that were too vibrant and colored in a way that shouldn't even be possible.

They were a vivid sky blue, with buddery gold flowering out from the middle around my pupils. Big, impossible, anime eyes. And now everyone in the building knew about them.


As soon as Fia opened her eyes, I heard everyone, including Adam and Mitch gasp. I glanced across the table and softly smacked my husband on the arm. He shrugged. Annoyed, I leaned into his ear and told him, "Those are legit. Don't be shocked."

"But they look so cool! Why aren't you surprised?!"

"Cause... I've seen them... long time ago... never mind that... I hope Adam doesn't freak out as much as you just did."

I peered closer to the stage to see Adam and Fia. My friend continued staring into the mysterious yet enchanting eyes of Fia, who placed her hand on Adam's. Adam smiled and held tightly onto Fia's hand.

Everyone cheered as Fia took her bows. The song was amazing. Somehow I felt she did better in the second than the first, but that was just my opinion. I excused myself from the table as soon as Fia walked offstage. I ran up to meet her. The customers returned to their meals.

"Fia!" I waved. She acknowledged me with a smile, "Good job!"

"Did you see Adam when I have him that drawing?" She nervously questioned.

"Yeah," I sorta lied, but part of it was true. I saw the way he looked at her. Adam completely ignored the drawing. He was too in love with Fia's eyes.

Fia sung another song, but this ending was a bit different. Adam interrupted her last lines.

"I love you," Adam told her, standing up and kissing Fia. I smiled and watched my best friend have the time of her life.

Living on a Few Wishes //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Where stories live. Discover now